Francoise, I do not have the 4D Program, but I use the Janome Digitzer Pro. If your program can do Xstitch, I think you would be able to scan the pattern into your program, then manually do the Xstitches exactly where you want them, using the photo of the pattern and your software as if you were using tracing paper, just copy the stitches over top using the xstitch tool. I hope you can understand this ok. Perhaps if you don't get an answer that helps, you can ask another question, asking for help with your 4D software, then those who have that particular software will see it and help you. Good luck, Francoise! Marji
Françoise, I have the 3D Pro, which seems to be a bit less advanced. I have digitized existing Xstitch patterns, but I put the crosses in one by one. Never tried to do it automatically. Maybe if you follow the instructions for concerting a photo to Xstitch? I'll try it out one of these days, because your question made me wonder. Flower for you.
Yes, Mops, I'm pretty sure you would need to do it manually. I hope between us we've been of some help. Let me know if the auto works--I'm betting not. Marji
My question was: I have complete 4D software. I have several Xstitch charts.Can I use theses charts to digitize the motive as my machine can make Xstitches (Designer). Sorry for my english. Flowers for all of you .
j'ai dejà fait quelques desig,s au point de croix, mais j'ai du rentrer les points 1 par 1mes logiciels sont: 3D embroidery studio et le 3D cross mais je n'ai pas le 3D digitising ni le 3D stitch
I only know of one way. I don't have this program, but I have the BuzzXplore and love it. If you have the $'s and would use it enough to pay for it, check out:
Thank you. I already have Complete 4D software. But can you digitize directly from a Xstitch chart with you own software? Did you already try ? Flower for you
francoisen, sorry I can't help, but I think I read somewhere that you can, but stick around sweetie, someone who knows more than me on this subject will most probably answer you soon. Hugs and a flower for you.
I can not help you in this. I am starting to digitize by myself and I am almost crazy whit this. I am using Bernina Artista 4 and my first design came well but with a white background and can not take it off. Sorry. I would like to help you. Flower and XoXo