I have an old Bernina and I dread the day it will eventually die on me as I could never afford one of the latest models - I can just dream about it!!!
What model do you have? There's a guy here in PE who has spaes. I was told the old factory burnt down and a lt of spares for the older mechanical machine will no longer be available. But I see Bernina did bring out a workhorse - very similar to the 740 and 840 ranges (not talkong about the NEW embroidery machines) Hugs
You said a digitizer program. Does it actually digitize? I have a 1001, and I don't know anything about a digitizer program. Thanks Pat
My machine came with Customizer which has a very simple digitizing segment, but I purchased Digitizer Pro 2.0 as my dealer was able to offer a special price. Now the new machines come with 3.0. I have not been able to afford to upgrade but 2.0 does a nice job of digitizing. Some features in the new version are nice but not worth the price.
I've still got a working Janome 8000 but after about 10 years the board which lights up so you can select the stitches etc stops working & they stopped making the that board about then, therefore the machine is completely USELESS.
So the first thing I would ask Janome is, how long will they continue to make the parts for any model.Machines are very expensive so you expect to be able to continue to use them even though they are out dated models , which you like to use.
Thanks for expanding on that. I found it interesting :)
My original embr machine was a Janome MC 5000 (still lurks in the cupboard!). Current ones are Janome 300E & 350E. My regular (workhorse) machines are Pfaff 1222 & Performance 2058 and more recently JukiF600 Exceed Quilt & Pro.