by clawton 26 Apr 2008

I've been wondering about Cutiepie. We haven't heard anything from her for quite a while. I know she was on another forum that some visit. Has anyone heard from her? Missing her!


by letvia 27 Apr 2008

Thank you Clawton. Flower and XoXo

by tmbache 27 Apr 2008

So nice to see your smiling face again cutiepie!!! glad to hear that Danny is home finally. If I was closer I would love to take Liam home with me. Would fit right in with my almost 2 year old grandaughter. Take care of your self as much as possible. we will all keep praying for you and your family things will settle down to a rountine now that Danny is home.We all LOVE you and miss you here. Warm hugs and flowers for you my friend Thanks for all the info about you loving boys.

by jrob Moderator 27 Apr 2008

WEll, first Clawton thanks for ferretting her out! and cutiepie, know that we love you and yours and are missing your input. My daughter just stopped pumping for my grandson after 1 year and I think she misses it now! You have a hectic life now, but remember this...THE DAYS ARE LONG, BUT THE YEARS ARE SHORT. One day you will ache for just one more day of insanity and tiny babies to snuggle. ;)

by debbierussell 27 Apr 2008

Hi cutiepie sounds like you need some help.Do you have any government assistance programs to help with multipul births in your country?We have this sort of help in OZ.What about friends & family?All the best.*4u

by nurselilly 27 Apr 2008

Oh Cutiepie nice to hear that you are having a NORMAL life lol hang in there things can only get settle and get better from here Take care :)

by cutiepie 27 Apr 2008

Argh, I've been remiss! Danny came home last Thursday, so he's been home for over a week. I, on the other hand, am working toward being admitted to a hospital - a MENTAL hospital that is! Life with twins at home is INSANE!! The boys' mouths are too small to latch on, so I am pumping breast milk for them. They have to be fed every three hours, which makes for sleep deprevation, and my husband had to go back to work already. That means I am at home with two sweet twin boys and one sweet (and potentially needing to be locked in the closet) 2 1/2 year old boy. Liam will listen to me when I tell him what to do and what not to do, and then he blissfully does whatever he wants anyway. I have had to rescue the twins from "excessive affection" more times than I can count. Liam has to go up and "say Hi" every time he comes into the room where the twins are, and he seems to prefer to do it from a distance of three inches or less. Danny and Tommy are growing well: already they are over 5 lbs 9 oz each. Ironically, Tommy is 5 lb 10 oz while Danny is 5 lb 9.5 oz. The only time I have available to get on the computer lately is when I am pumping (multi-tasking can be great!) and can only go online in the evenings because we are stuck with dial-up connecting and I can't have the phone tied up for long during the day. Anyway, I will be stuck with being a "lurker" for a while yet. I am still here and still loving each and every one of you (even as I slowly fall off the flower "honor roll" list)!

cordura5 by cordura5 27 Apr 2008

I can relate oh so well! My four year old daughter has to 'smother' my 8 month old son with more love than he can handle. He loves her though. She is overly affectionate as well. She also loves to play with him. Unfortunately he is usually the 'toy' she plays with. I looked up the other day and caught her dragging him down the hall by his legs. I almost freaked out, but he was grinning his head off! Just wait a while longer Cutiepie, you're going to have 'double the fun' I am having right now...

By the way, my daughter started off 5 lbs 13 oz, so she was little too. She still is, weighing in at 31 lbs at a month shy of being four. Her brother is going to pass her up before he is two!

mops by mops 27 Apr 2008

Nice to hear all is going well, Cutiepie. Hope your sanity lasts a long long time. Imagine all three of them running of in different directions within a years time. Or maybe better not ;). Hugs for you and your happy gang.

clawton by clawton 27 Apr 2008

Thanks cutiepie. We just wanted to make sure everything was ok. We understand how busy you are. Just know that we are thinking of you. By the way my one and only was born at 4lb 9 oz and has grown into a hunk of a man of 6'2"

shirlener88 by shirlener88 27 Apr 2008

Cutiepie, my offer to assist you with the boys - still stand - email me and maybe I can help - to play or cuddle - whatever needs to be done. Hehehe! I am sure that Loretta would love to help, too. She might come out of her funk if she knew you emailed her. Thank you for posting! *4U

iris2006 by iris2006 27 Apr 2008

Hello cutiepie, glad to see you again and to know that Danny came home too, You must be running around to get done the things that have to be done. We were just wondering how things were going. Take your rest (if you can:)) and look good after yourself.

letvia by letvia 27 Apr 2008

Ohh dear Cutiepie. Is great to know that Danny is at home, God bless them and all your family. I know you are exhausted but I am sure you are happy also. Enjoy this moments, the time goes to fast. Flower and XoXo to you and your kids

ruthie by ruthie 27 Apr 2008

Cutiepie, so good to hear from you sweetie, and to hear Danny and Tommy are doing well. And you just hang in there with your sanity, you're a Mum, you can cope with all that's going on, haha! You've got my sympathy, you must be exhausted, thoughts and prayers for you sweetie, hugs and a flower.

silver by silver 27 Apr 2008

CutiePie! I always missing seeing/hearing from you but I am proud that you have your priorities straight... Nothing should come before one's real family... Nothing ever has or ever will with mine either... even tho my kids are teens and tweens nowadays and love to remind me how me 'grown up' they think they are lol. Hug the babies for me again! Remember... No rush...we will be here when ya get back!


by shirlener88 26 Apr 2008

Perhaps she will see this post and let us know how she and the boys are doing. *4U I did see a posting - a couple days ago.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 26 Apr 2008

She was just making a remark to someone else, she didn't say anything about her or the boys.

by marjialexa Moderator 26 Apr 2008

Yeah, missing her too, but I'm glad you saw her, Ruthie. Probably just diapers, housework, running to hospital, general 'mom' stuff keeping her busy. She needs a voice activated computer like on Star Trek! Then she could change diapers & keep up with us at the same time! Thanks for asking about her, Clawton, I'm sure she'll see this one day, hee hee hee. Flowers for all my 'Cuties'. Marji

by iris2006 26 Apr 2008

As far as I know is Danny still in hospital and cutiepie promissed to let us know if there was any news. Think she is very busy with her family and running to the hospital to Danny. Let's hope Danny can come home soon.

by ruthie 26 Apr 2008

Clawton, I saw cutiepie 2 or 3 days ago, I didn't manage to catch up with her, but she was answering questions ahead of me. I guess with Tommy at home and Danny still in the hospital, she has her hands full. We'll hear from her when there's news to give I guess. Hugs and a flower for you sweetie, I'm off to bed now.

1 comment
clawton by clawton 26 Apr 2008

Thanks, I was wondering whether Danny got home. Yes I'm sure she is very busy. Just hope all is going well.