by lenamae 05 Aug 2011

to do and did not feel well for a day or to.



by capoodle 06 Aug 2011

Glad your sister is doing well after her surgery. Hope you feel better also.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 07 Aug 2011

thanks your prayers were a help.

by minicow 06 Aug 2011

God Bless my friend- take care
Hugs & Sparkles from minicow

lenamae by lenamae 07 Aug 2011

hi mimicow
I am not doing do well I am in a despressed mood again. will be going back to the doctor Tuesdat.she gave me some nedication when I left for Tenn and I could not take it.will tell her when I go in.
I think I need to join a sweing or quilting club so I have ladies to talk to ,
Love lenamae

minicow by minicow 07 Aug 2011

prayers for you - groups/clubs are a wonderful way to talk - hope you find one to join

by jofrog2000 06 Aug 2011

Good news, Lena Mae. Now take care of yourself.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 07 Aug 2011

thanks for the hug JO. Yhanks for all the prayers, If I can pull out of my depresses mpce I will be ok.
I am waiting to go see my mother in law in another week.
HUgs Lenamae

by 02kar Moderator 06 Aug 2011

I am glad to hear good news. Now you rest and catch up slowly.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 07 Aug 2011

I will do that but I don't seem to be instread in any thing right now I need to do something exciting and every thing just seens dull.

by noah 05 Aug 2011

Thank God for sisters lol She was/is blessed to have one like you may God bless you double hugs carolyn

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 07 Aug 2011

but she lives so far away.I am sure a lot of people feel thay way.
I am Happy she is getting better maybe next time I get to see her she will feel like talking and doing things

by shirlener88 05 Aug 2011

All the stress you have been under - it is a wonder that you have stopped by today. Thank you for the update and so happy that our prayers have been answered, again. Take care of you.

noah by noah 06 Aug 2011

i love this design Shirlene !!hugs carolyn

lenamae by lenamae 07 Aug 2011

Shirlene this is just wonderful the design is great love it .right now I am so depressed I can not stand to be around me my self,going to the Doctoe Tuesday seems as if there is just so muching going on and I can not cope with it.
mother in law is going to have some surary done I thik thyroid and something about the defibblauter that may be spelled wrong think battiers are dwad.

I hope I am not headed for a nervous break down.and this makes me so mad I know there are people worse off than me ans I am ccomplaning.should be ashamed of my self.
love and hugs Lenamae