I have PE Design Lite. I don't know if PE Design Next is better or not, but PE-Design lite is limited. You can not digitize manually, only automatically. You have to be careful when digitizing with PE-Design Lite and take the time rearange the colors and even individual pieces of each color or you have a lot of jump stiches to deal with. I am learning a lot with PE-Design, but if you've been digitizing or plan on doing lots odigitizing you want something better. I can not create Applique, or FSL designs with my program. I would have rather had a more advanced program that I could do more with even if I had a bigger learning curve to deal with. I hope you find something good and affordable too.
Good Luck DeVon!
I have Generations and I love it. I recently bought pe design next and I don't like it at all. It doesn't matter what software you use you will still have a learning curve. I also hear lots of good things about embird. I have never used it but I think it would be worth comparing them both, most importantly you need to be able to get tutorials on which ever you decide to buy.
Hugs, Alice.
I would love to have the Generations software. I've watched several of the videos and am in awe. Go to ArtisticThreadWorks.com and check it out. But if you decide that is too expensive, be sure to download the demo version of a few different programs to give them a try. There is Embird, Amazing Designs "Digitize N Stitch", and lots more. I've been shopping and trying, so have dabbled some. I would warn though, that it isn't as easy as printing out a picture. Find a system that offers support. I've downloaded, tried, got frustrated and deleted because I'm lost. Good luck with your search. I hope you find something that you absolutely love.
Lucky you DeVon. I will let the experienced designers/digitisers answer this
Do yourself and hubby a big favor by checking out Generations at Artistic Threadworks. The program is expensive but I know that you will actually use it because it is very user friendly and has many features that other programs don't have. They offer free tutorials on their website as well as online seminars. There's one going on now. I got a fabulous deal on mine. They even took my old program as a tradein. You can even take a test drive and if you purchase the program, they take that amout off the price. Holly and Larry provide the greatest customer service. And no... I don't work for the company. I just love Generations. My first digitizing project was a FSL bowl. If I can do that, just think what you will be able to do.