by lbrow 28 Apr 2008

U guys r going to get a laugh out of this Daugh .was telling me some things kids do now . I say" why can't they just have panty raids, or streak or something like that. More______


by dlonnahawkins 28 Apr 2008

Yep - they can all surprise you. And I wonder if it every really changes. Our parents were probably surprised at what we said and did, and I know that I was surprised at what my girls did, and even more surprised at what the Gkids are doing and saying! Guess I am just not the hip Gma.

by clawton 28 Apr 2008

There will forever be a generation gap or 2 or 3. :):):)

by bikermomfl 28 Apr 2008

true, true, true, but she needs to just remember, that what goes around comes around and things always repeat. i.e., stand in the corner, get me a switch, let's talk about it, then back to stand in the corner, platform shoes, 'mini skirts' she better be careful, who knows what hers will do! :-)

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 28 Apr 2008

Well her kids are adults now, but when U live i the boonies & go to small country schools u seem to stay out of the mainstream*4U

by shirlener88 28 Apr 2008

lbrow, I don't know how old your daughter is - but mine would have laughed at me saying that over 20 years or more ago. Hehehe! I would have laughed at my own Mother had she said that - even though it was my generation that did the streaking. Not me! Hehehe! What a funny thing for you to share. *4U, dear one. Shirlene

by mops Moderator 28 Apr 2008

The other day my son (34) asked me: "What century are you living in?" So I seem to be a bit behind as well. Hugs and a flower for you.

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 28 Apr 2008

* 4 U mops. I think I'd better get my head out of embr. machine & bone up on some of this. Kids r getting away with everything. I always told my kids. U get spanked at school, U get one @ home. Now it's spanked, reprimanded, we get a lawyer

by ruthie 28 Apr 2008

Who knows what they'll get up to next lbrow! Nothing stays the same forever does it? Hugs and a flower for you sweetie.

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 28 Apr 2008

U can say that again *4U

by lbrow 28 Apr 2008

She fell out laughing at me & said "mom You r getting old. It's not like smoking rabbit tobacco out behind the barn anymore, You r waaaaaaaaaaay behind on what kids do today," Guess I need to catch up on things