Yep - they can all surprise you. And I wonder if it every really changes. Our parents were probably surprised at what we said and did, and I know that I was surprised at what my girls did, and even more surprised at what the Gkids are doing and saying! Guess I am just not the hip Gma.
true, true, true, but she needs to just remember, that what goes around comes around and things always repeat. i.e., stand in the corner, get me a switch, let's talk about it, then back to stand in the corner, platform shoes, 'mini skirts' she better be careful, who knows what hers will do! :-)
Well her kids are adults now, but when U live i the boonies & go to small country schools u seem to stay out of the mainstream*4U
lbrow, I don't know how old your daughter is - but mine would have laughed at me saying that over 20 years or more ago. Hehehe! I would have laughed at my own Mother had she said that - even though it was my generation that did the streaking. Not me! Hehehe! What a funny thing for you to share. *4U, dear one. Shirlene
The other day my son (34) asked me: "What century are you living in?" So I seem to be a bit behind as well. Hugs and a flower for you.
* 4 U mops. I think I'd better get my head out of embr. machine & bone up on some of this. Kids r getting away with everything. I always told my kids. U get spanked at school, U get one @ home. Now it's spanked, reprimanded, we get a lawyer
Who knows what they'll get up to next lbrow! Nothing stays the same forever does it? Hugs and a flower for you sweetie.
She fell out laughing at me & said "mom You r getting old. It's not like smoking rabbit tobacco out behind the barn anymore, You r waaaaaaaaaaay behind on what kids do today," Guess I need to catch up on things