So sorry, I know how annoying that is. Here is another black cat in the animals section at brother usa. ( I had a black cat named Sydney)
I have said this before. I had upgraded to Explorer 9 and from then on I had trouble very often downloading. Even a small video file from my Brother. Yet when I go to Firefox everything works. With Explorer 9 I couldn't do my on line banking anymore. Really strange. Now I am afraid to update Firefox ha.ha.
I hate to see anyone cry, here is another black cat freebie for you.
hi bevintex, thank you so much for the black cat design. it is so cute.i used to have a pitch black skinny long legged like that and i called him Pecos Bill. one of my favorite books i read when i was young was about pecos bill. still have not forgotten it. so thanks again for the cute design.