Please keep us posted! almag we - I sure want to hear what you decide and look forward to your designs.
Oh Gosh!! You've just given me the push I needed to jump on the Road to Discovery.
I was going to ask if my 3D program would make those designs - I guess it will.
I haven't been creating Spiralgraphs like you have but I have been making Daisies and Chrysanthemums with my Oval Shape.
I guess I need to digitise a thin oval shape, copy and save it in Embroidery and work on it Encore.
Would that be the way to go???
DHDon's been urging me to get Embird but maybe I should find out what 3D will do for me first.
I did this in the digitising module, Studio.
But you can do it in 3D. I tried it out just now. Digitise the oval, make stitches and save it, open it in 3D Embroidery. You can change the angle for different effects, Then use the encore function. However, that gives a grouped design, not the separate shapes as in Embird. so mirroring only changes the direction, but does not give the effect I got in Embird. It can't be done in 5D either (that has more encore functions: different lines, wavy ones, etc).
It's always those extra gimmicks that differ between the different sw programs.
wow now to shape them into something that will make ALL OF US SEW ????/carolyn
I used Embird and started out with an ellipse - the green one in picture 1. I moved the starting point a bit to the left of the bottom. Then in the transformation feature set the number of revolutions to 17 - got the blue spirograph - and used 'transform' 'snap to previous object' and got the red design. Then I mirrored the objects (NOT grouped) and to my surprise got the orange design.
The lower corner of that gives the purple thingy and the 5 ellipses at the top corner the yellow figure.
Played a bit more with a corner and made the frame in pic 2.
And I haven't a clue what I did to get the last one - mirrored something I guess. I SHOULD take more notes.
Just imagine what you can achieve by varying the shape of the ellipse and the number of repeats.