by libster2896 02 May 2008

Hello everyone. Have been busy and not logging in at all really. DH broke his collar bone a month ago, turns out he has a half inch piece of bone embedded in his shoulder muscle.....


by lbrow 03 May 2008

From 1 nurse to another libster, this has got to have been extremly painful 4 him. Hope no permanent damage done & everything taken care of now. *4U

by blessinge 03 May 2008

Hope all goes well for you and your family.
Prayers to you.

by shirlener88 03 May 2008

libby, you have our prayers and here is a *4U.

by meganne 03 May 2008

Ooh, how painful, I really feel for your DH, but i'm sure you'll enjoy having one less big kid to look after for a coupla days. ((tongue firmly in cheek) big grin) Seriously though i hope his surgery goes well and his recovery is speedy. hugs n roses, M

by auntbaba 02 May 2008

Prayers for your DH and you and your family. I'm sure that his operation will be a success. *4U

by nini 02 May 2008

Sorry to hear about your DH misfortune. Hope he'll get well soon. My best wishes. Flowers for you both.

by iris2006 02 May 2008

My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope the operation goes well, wish you all the best with the two little ones at home, will be very busy for you. Keep in touch and let us know how thing s go. *4U

by jrob Moderator 02 May 2008

Been missing you libby, but now I know why you were gone! Prayers for your hubby and for you dealing with 2 babies alone. ;)

by libster2896 02 May 2008

Thanks everyone, I hope he recovers soon too, he is a sook minnieb, take pity on me. My three year old is much tougher. In only a month he has broken his arm and leg in the space of 10 minutes and had them heal up perfectly without me even knowing they had broken, had the doctor re-attatch his head after it "fell off", survived being bitten in half by a shark while out fishing with is dad, and managed to have me pop his eye back in after it was poked out by the cat and had his leg chopped off by a spider. DH could learn a thing or two about being tough from him (where do 3 year olds get their imaginations from???). Flowers for you all, and thanks for your thoughts, I am sure I will miss his snoring all night while he is away (NOT) but will miss having him about the place. The surgeon is excellent, but DH will want to retire in the safety of his garden, but after hearing about your weeding accident, minnieb, I suppose he will have to go back to work.

minnieb by minnieb 02 May 2008

your 3 year old sounds like the kids on tv ,I love naughty 3 year old they are so much fun
I have one across the road '
every one in this town must know my name as he calls out to me so loud , makes me feel so great

mimisews2 by mimisews2 03 May 2008

I love 3 year olds too! Aren't they the greatest?? Good luck libby, prayers are with you. *4U

by simplyrosie 02 May 2008

Oh my goodness friend... I will keep you, your husband and your little ones in my prayers! I praise GOD that even though you have to travel 3 hours to a hospital, that GOD provided a place for the surgery. May the LORD comfort you all through this. I also pray for the surgeon that will be preforming the operation... we are standing together believing for a good report when you come back to chat with us. ;-) Blessings up on you friend.

by mad14kt 02 May 2008

Be encouraged and my prayers are with your family ;)

by missann 02 May 2008

I too will be praying for all to be well for your DH. We will miss you :)

by mops Moderator 02 May 2008

Sorry to hear of the trouble your husband is ill. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope the operation goes well and wishing him a speedy recovery, flowers for you.

1 comment
mops by mops 02 May 2008

ill = in

by minnieb 02 May 2008

you poor guys its hard the way the meddical is at the moment. I used to swing on ladders for a living but broke my arm by pulling a tinny weed out of the garden I fell on it.
men can be sooks or heros, my husband drove home 3hour drive the day after having his shoulder done ,do you have to go to brisbane from Emerald or can he have it closer ,he will want to go back to minning after this ,take care and try not to worry to much,wish we could help
our thoughts will be with you********

libster2896 by libster2896 02 May 2008

Not Brissy, that's about 8 hours drive. Off to Rockhampton. Maybe I can send him off with a shopping list for a quick trip into Spotlight.

minnieb by minnieb 02 May 2008

I miss spotight so much

by ruthie 02 May 2008

Good to see you again libby, but so sorry to hear what's happening at your end. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH, and hoping all goes well, and that your DH has a speedy recovery after his operation. Hugs and flowers for you sweetie.

by letvia 02 May 2008

Dear libster, sorry to hear about your husband, my prayers are with you, him and your family. Flower and XoXo

by libster2896 02 May 2008

After 20 years of working underground in a coal mine, and getting all sorts of aches and pains, thought he would get out before something bad happened to him. He got a job as a postman a few months ago. Six weeks into the job he came off his little red motorbike and broke his collar bone a month ago. Had a check up yesterday and they found the bone was not healing at all and there is a chunk of bone that has to be removed in surgery next week before really bad damage is done. I will be without him for a few days as he has to travel 3 hours to get to a surgeon as our hospital here is really quite sad and sorry. Probably wont be here much next week either as I will have the two little ones by myself. Speaking of which, my 14 month old is now taking more steps everyday. My son just turned 3 on Wednesday as well, so it has been very busy here indeed. Well, hello to everyone, and hope you have all been keeping safe and well. Thoughts to Meganne's DH and crew. And how is cutiepie and her new treasures?