I am grateful to them also because I have no clue of how to do it.
I try not to add it - if someone else has - but I like to see it with the posting - so on a day - that you might not get to the site - it is there for others to view - if they happen to see it on another day and wonder what everyone is talking about. Just my opinion and I am glad that you enjoyed it. Thanks so very much - just trying to be helpful.
Thank you for the kind remark. I myself have looked for the tip only for it to have been replaced with the next tip. I'm thinking it is changed by around 9am EST. Then there are the ones with the extra slow internet and the very busy cuties. What us cuties do best is to help each other.
I agee--I don't go looking for tips, but if a link is there, and if I have time, I'll go take a look :)
Yes it is useful that the tip is included by them