by glendasparris 03 May 2008

Is anyone still awake or still up? I haven't gone to bed yet. I have a really big demo tomorrow at Walmart for Women's Wellness, so I have just finished paperwork. Anyone want to chat?


by shirlener88 03 May 2008

Glenda, how did your bag project go - that you were having program troubles? did you get your order finished? *4U

by ruthie 03 May 2008

Glenda, I'm awake too, it's 4.30pm here in Oz. Hope your demo goes well sweetie, hugs and a flower for you.

by babyred 03 May 2008

Hi Glenda, This is my computer time. I work till 11p so I am almost always at "Cute" about now. Good Luck tomorrow.

by mollymarie 03 May 2008

hi there glenda. I am awake as t is 2.22pm gere in south australia. Good luck with your demo.