by read180 03 Sep 2011

home at 6 for dinner, then I try and sit down and relax with some embroidery and tv. To bed at 10 and then start over. I have been to tired to get on cutie. I don't know what I have missed for news, but I have missed all of you. Thank goodness this is a 3 day weekend. I am making fabric origami boxes and 3D butterflies for my women's weekend retreat Sept 30 Oct 1 and 2. These boxes and butterflies will be table decorations. Love to you all Cindy B.


by asterixsew Moderator 09 Sep 2011

Well Cindy, week 2 has now finished. Hope all is going well for you

by osueo 09 Sep 2011

I have been a caregiver on and off for the last 6 years. I am now retired. You MUST have time for yourself. Embroidery helps immensely. When my husband was in a hospital bed in our bedroom I was in the next room with the embroidery machine. The next time he was in a hospital bed in our bedroom I again was in the next room with the embroidery machine. The computer was in the bedroom. As I cared for him, I discovered Cuties!!!!!!!! My life is much fuller now. I have Jesus, my husband, church family (especially the babies), and Cuties. Take care of yourself and enjoy school. A lot of good memories from kids and coworkers and parents. I did it for 27 years. Loved it. But love even more being retired.

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Sep 2011

I pray for you. It can't be easy to do it all. It is important that you get some time for yourself otherwise you will not do anyone any good. Your friend is important and we can wait till you have time again to be on Cute. Hugs Angie

1 comment
read180 by read180 07 Sep 2011

Thank you Angie,Hugs to you

by shirlener88 05 Sep 2011

Cindy, I feared you would be overwhelmed with getting back to school and still caring for your freind. I will pray for you and that you get some rest this weekend to recoop. Can't wait to view your boxes and butterflies, but I will. Love to you.

read180 by read180 06 Sep 2011

Thank you Shirlene, yes it was a challenging week. This weekend we had our grandsons while mom and dad went to the cabin to mow the grass and do maintenance work. The hardest part going to spend time with my friend is seeing her lose her ability to doing things for herself. I also have developed a special relationship with her husband who usually is very quite in a crowd. I can see the hurt in his very Stoic eyes.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 09 Sep 2011

Glad you had the boys - but I know how hard it must be to watch your friend - having just gone through some of that with my Mother - I sure do relate. Prayers for you both.

by marthie 04 Sep 2011

But you are busy. And you are such a good person

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read180 by read180 04 Sep 2011

Thank you.

by capoodle 04 Sep 2011

That's a full schedule that you have. You are a wonderful loving person and your friend is fortunate to have you as a friend. Just don't forget to take care of yourself.

1 comment
read180 by read180 04 Sep 2011

Thank you I had a wonderful weekend with the grand kids. They just left

by marjialexa Moderator 03 Sep 2011

If you get a chance, show us your boxes and butterflies in Projects, I'd love to see them. Cindy, God bless you for what you're doing, all of it. I don't know how you find the energy, inspiration, just plain guts to keep going. I pray for you, and guess I'm just mad that you're so far away I can't get to know you personally, you have to be the best friend a person could have. Big hugs, Marji

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read180 by read180 04 Sep 2011

Thank you Marji. I will post them this week.

by devon 03 Sep 2011

I know how busy you have been. Your friend is fortunate to have you!!!! Keeping both of you in my prayres!!!

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read180 by read180 04 Sep 2011

Thank you for your prayers

by mary51 03 Sep 2011

Cindy, you are an angel, God bless you.

1 comment
read180 by read180 04 Sep 2011

Thank you