by babsie 07 Sep 2011

My Editor. Babie, seems to me you know the program, do you maybe have an answer for me before I contact the man Meganne recommended. Sorry I had to make a new entry as the other one is too far down. I can open the files which was previously saved with my Bernina Artista Editor Lite. New ones that I download in PES is also OK, but when I open a Zipped file with numerous formats inside, HOW do I know which one is in PES as they all look the same? and I cannot keep all of them.


by babie 08 Sep 2011

Hi Babsie as jy in "my computer" gaan op jou rekenaar, (ek gebruik Vista) jy kliek op die windows Icon links onder en dan na "my computer" en dan na die plek waar jy jou designs stoor bv. C:\ dan moet jy die files in 'n "list" view stel jy sal dan die Icon sien en reg langs die Icon sal die file naam met sy extension bv blom.hus wees. jY kan dit in list view stel deur op die screen in die linkerkant te regs kliek. Dan kan jy delete watter jy nie wil he nie. Ek delete nooit in My editor nie nie dit neem te lank aangesien alles elke keer geherskommel word en jy moet wag. Passop My editor erken ook nie alle formate bv sekere .art files nie en dan lyk dit na 'n lee file. Moenie die fout maak soos ek wat in die begin dit gedelete het nie. Hoop dit help.

babsie by babsie 08 Sep 2011

Dankie vir jou hulp, ek het dit gedoen, maar hier het iets verkeerd geloop gister en dit wys dit net nie. Ek het in elk geval nou genoeg hiermee gesukkel en het toe vir My Editor 'uninstall". My virus program het ook opgekom en gese dat daar iets verkeerd is met My Editor en dat dit nie toegelaat gaan word nie. Ek het dit toe 'limited access' gegee toe Kaspersky se dat minder as 100 programme dit toelaat toe besluit ek om dit maar te skrap. Ek is bly om te se dat ALLES weer soos tevore is en ek het in elk geval 3 ander programme om te gebruik. Ek kan net nie.NGS formaat oopmaak nie, maar het dit nie nodig nie, sal in my leeftyd nie gebruik wat ek het nie. Baie dankie, waar bly jy?

babie by babie 08 Sep 2011

Babsie as jy terug is in Suid-Afrika laat my weet miskien kan ons saam koffie drink en dan wys ek jou hoe myne werk - dan kan jy dalk oorweeg om te herinstalleer. Ek bly nie te ver van Pretoria af nie en as ek reg onthou is jy van daar. Nietemin geniet jou vakansie.

babie by babie 08 Sep 2011

geniet jou vakansie. Lyk my ons kommentare sny nou af.

by justonlyme 07 Sep 2011

I don't think this question was aimed at me, but I do use My Editor. When you have zipped files that contain multiple formats, try opening the zipped file and then set your view so you can look at file extensions. You will see .pes, .art, .jef, etc. You will have to select the .pes (if that is the one you want) and then save it as a new file with a new file name. I would strongly advise that you save the original zipped folder in case your files become corrupt, which happens sometimes when you are changing formats. The files are tiny. Just tuck them away in a different folder that you don't have to look at all the time if you want. They take up hardly any space. Regret is bigger than the files. Good luck.

babsie by babsie 07 Sep 2011

Thanks, but after I unzipped the files, there are NO extensions, just all the same looking NGS documents. I tried looking at them in my artista, and if there is for eg. 5 of the same if it is fonts, I only do the first one and try to get the PES one and then count the files and then guess that maybe every 3 one is PES and delete the rest, but it is too time consuming.

babsie by babsie 07 Sep 2011

delete the rest.

by shesgr 07 Sep 2011

The files will usually have the same name BUT the 3 letter extension after the . will be different, for example Hus, Pes, Exp, Jef and others. PES files on all mine end in filename.Pes


1 comment
babsie by babsie 07 Sep 2011

Thats my problem, mine does not look like that. They are all the same and you can hover the mouse over them, but nothing shows to let you know what the format is. Thanks for trying to help.