jrob we can all see by the list to the right that you seem to be the most addicted and shirlener and ruthie. some how though i think shirlene has her computa built into her machine. Is this what we all have to do to achive total addiction. love ya all ******************************
I'm not really sure what is going on to be truthful. I have just been here a really long time. ;)
Seems I'm S.A.D.D., too... But I'll never let my DH have a look at this forum, his sense of humour might be a bit limited! *2U and I'll get back to my flowers in the garden (lovely, sunny day off here in France)!
I had to dash off after commenting 15 mins ago - the dust is flying and I can't stop sneezing Atishoooo, Atishoo :-)
my wife claims she doesn't have it but I don't believe her :) the SADD hubby
No - I'm the ..anne - my hubby is the Jas.. and he is as 'sadd' as me - If he's on the computer he is just as likely to be downloading designs for me. And if i'm debating about whether to buy a design his comment is usually "go for it" :) He is a sweetie. Sometimes he will add a comment or answer a question (especially computer ones)
my hubby loves me sewing all the time,he gets to watch what ever he wants on t.v.!! I do many other crafts and just redid my kitchen sewing reversible valances making tieback holders,curtains painting cabinets and making my own handles out of bamboo sticks and wire.then embroidered wallhangings.but I had to buy more memory for the computer cause of SADD....like ya all can't decide which designs to use first...
My DH just came in and saw me reading on this site, smile and said, "You're S.A.D.d.". hahahaha
hahaha! I know I can always count on you girls to make my day. My DH has even started askig me what you are saying that is so funny. He just smiles and says he is glad I found a site I like. He even ask me to show him which site it is. I just happened to mention a while back I was thinking about joining the site. HINT HINT! My birthday is coming around so just maybe. :)
Pfffff... everyday more to dowload and then... the problem to select what to embroider... Pat
I was at a friends home yesterday. her passion is having a perfect house. she is never satisfied with anything and is constantly redecorating and buying new items. every thing is in it's place and picture perfect. I feel sorry for her because she is missing a hobby. Everyone should have an outlet to have fun and express themselves. I know I got my sewing and designing passions from my Mother, and I am so grateful to my grand parents for allowing my Mother to develop her passions in a time when many girls were not afforded the opportunity to follow their dreams.
I hate those sterile showroom perfect homes, people don't seem to LIVE in them.
I'm afraid my house looks very lived-in at times...
Perhaps that is the addiction she enjoys? I don't personally get it, but most people don't get mine either.;)
I love that!!! I put cleaning the house on my to-do list, but it keeps getting bumped to the bottom of the list!! It will be there when I get around to it! I've given up on someone breaking in and cleaning it for me!! *s 4 all!
Thank goodness your to-do list is like this one if you don't respond, it just moves further down the line. hahaha ;)
At least there is a support group for all of us S.A.D.D.'s and not only is it a loving, caring group, but it is also a group with a great sense of humour. If you are an addict, one of the tell-tale signs is gazing at the computer screen with a broad grin on your face and occasionally bursting out into uncontrollable laughter!!! *4U
I admit that I have SADD. I am going to vacation next week, so I ask my mother to download for me. Now, she has SADD too. So, just want to let all you ladies know SADD is contagious.
My husband just walked into the room & said "UH O computer OK" than left again.He realised I was busy. S.A.D.D This is my support group too.*4u
I love it. Thank you. You can tell I'm addicted. It is not even 6am and I'm here already. I leave for work in 1/2 hr and am not dressed yet, but got to check out Cute first LOL. Everyone have a gr8 day and see you after work. *'s for all ><>
I sympathise joaniessw - I'm at the computer every spare moment to see what's happening. *4U
They say when you are addicted you need a support group to go to well i chouse you guys and my addiction is only getting worse. And loving it. And loving all here. ******************************************************** for all you addicts that have been here forever that i can see from all the QApages.aaha How high does the dust rise.
ezzemml.....I have a theory that it will eventually fall off! I'll let you know how that test goes.;)
I like this plaque. I want one for every room in my house. Thank you. Flower and XoXo
I really think I need this plaque hanging on all 4 walls so I can see it no matter which way I turn *4U
What about a S.A.D.D. movie night, we could all get together and watch "Embroider's of the Lost Ark" a bunch of women who search high and low for the perfect design in an Egyptian sewing tomb, "Thelma & Louise", where they go over the cliff clutching their Janome, "A Machine of their Own", a bunch of baseball players who embroider their own uniforms during the war, "You've got Mail", about a woman who cannot stop downloading and getting designs sent to her inbox, anymore suggestions for the inaugural movie night welcome.
you are soooooo sick
at lest I know when I go to the nut house You will be there with me
You have got S.A.D.D. bad! hahahaha. Don't worry, we are all there with you. :)
one comfort for you: you're not alone.I'm sure the most of us are addicted to downloading and to this site. That's why we are such a cute family.come and see the dust at my place, my arm still in plaster and we get a new floor in the hallway, but first all the old tiles had to be removed.... so dust everywhere :( could use some help.
Oh definitely, jrob sweetie, this one was done especially for me, haha! Because of the drought we have *heaps* more dust floating around! - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!! I'm going to adopt sue's ideas. Hugs and flowers to you all.
Help, jrob, I've lost the link to the place for these designs and can't think!!! It's obviously dust-on-the-brain, haha!
I'm blaming my dust on the sunroom renovation, it's definitely not because i spend too much time at my pc or laptop or embroidery machine! "The reno's only been going for the last 3 weeks" i hear you say? Well it's the air-conditioners, they suck the dust into the rooms faster than i can clean it up!!!! That's my story and i'm sticking to it! ROFLMBO! Good one jrob! hugs n roses, M
Makes sense to me. I actually dusted the bedroom today and shook out the cat's towel. the cat has has so many spots she claims. It's hard to find them all.
I am watching my dust to see what caused it.I think I have to join S.A.D.D
Ha, that is cute jrob. What I always say is that dust is a protective coating for the furniture, and if you pick something up you can see exactly where to put it back. That way everything is in it's proper place!! Sue