by lenamae 16 Sep 2011

I will be off the computer a while having eye troubles alergies I guess ny eyes are real read and itching so bad went to the Doctor and got some med's but don't seem to help so they told me to take some alergie med. hope it helps.

and need to be of for a while then last night I had a dear friend come for a visit will be here for a while.Love and hugs Lenamae


by grossfamilie 16 Sep 2011

Hello dear Lenamae, also I will think and pray for you -
had some trouble with my eyes this year as well. Went to
two doctors, used various medicines, prescribed, which didn't really help. In the end I found out myself it must be
an allergy against my eye make-up; so I know try to avoid using at. The doctors didn't even think of an allergy like
that - so I recommend have this in mind as well. Good luck Maria

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

thank you Marie I am back and feel a little better I do not wear make up it is somethings else that I am alergic to .

by shirlener88 16 Sep 2011

I will be praying for you dear - please take care of your eyes. *4U

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

Shirlent is it bettern but still sore. thank you

by babie 16 Sep 2011

Sorry to hear - hope you get rid of them soon

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

thanks better/

by capoodle 16 Sep 2011

I use Zyrtec Eye Drops (a little pricey)and Visine Eye Drops (they have several versions depending on your symptoms) and these are both sold over the counter (OTC) here in the USA. I wear contact lenses and if my eyes are too red I put in a drop and wait about 15 minutes before inserting the contact lens. These both give me much relief plus the Zyrtec and Claritin allergy pills also sold OTC. Also had the food allergy skin prick testing done about 30 years ago and just avoid eating those foods most of the time. lol Hope you can get some allergy relief soon and enjoy your visit with your friend.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

I am alergit to all of the over the counter pills and am afraid to use the eye dropa.

by blueeyedblonde 16 Sep 2011

Allergies were what caused a lot of my problems. Finding out it was food allergies (which apparently cause a lot of things that nobody realizes). I even constantly had red rimmed eyes. What a difference finding out I have 36 food allergies and cutting that stuff out (some I might only have to cut out for 6 months and might be able to reintroduce it to my system with no problem).
I was taking allergy meds. almost every day.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

never thought about that.thank you I will think back and see what I ate that I am not used to.

by cutegirl 16 Sep 2011


1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

thanK you I do feel better

by rwalden 16 Sep 2011

I've been having that problem since August. I have to take allergy medicine everyday. It really helps. It's a miserable feeling to have itchy, swollen watery eyes that feel like they are full of sand too. I just wanted to claw my eyes out. Feel better soon.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

that was the way mine wac DR. gave me drops and cream and hed me to take alergie med also.

by crafter2243 Moderator 16 Sep 2011

First take care of yourselve. Enjoy your friend and once everything is back to normal you know we will be here.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

yes I do know you all will be there I have enjoyed my friend being here very much I miss her so much after she moved away My eyes are still itchy but don't hurt to look at computer now.hugs Lenamae

by sorval 16 Sep 2011

come back girly so soon as you can ok
hugs Sonja

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 19 Sep 2011

Sonya thank you so much I am back now.