It was "B" when I went there. I won't bother collecting this one. No "A" yesterday
it actually just started today-I am sure the A will come back up. I was fortunate enough to get it before the letter jump happened
Thanks for the reminder.
It start with the A. Got the NL in my mailbox this morning (Europe-time!);went straight to CuteAlpabeths to A and wonders that the B came up and stayed. Regularly they put the A back when it changed to the B at the first day. But A has most votes ;o)
super danke habe ich auch verpaßt.....
alles klar
I missed it! Went and voted for it and A is way up there. My email had come in in the wee hours when I was sleeping and was not on here as early as usual, but thanks. I'm sure we will see the A tomorrow.
I got on this morning and all I got was the B. Was the A there yesterday? Thought I checked.
Yes, I saw it. Amazing :)
gotta love fall. And they are offering it as free daily designs already :))
I got an email saying it was starting... Went there and the B was up.
I couldn't get it from the email.
That's happen often with a new alpha: The letter is changing to B on the same time as every day before all read their NL. Regularly they change it back to the A; if not: The A has the most votes now ;o)
Greetings, Bettina
thanks Bettina-got it through email notice-kinda cute huh? Did you see the cute monkey alpha pack on amazing? Just went & got my members pack. ~linda~