by debswebster 21 Sep 2011

Flowers?? It seems the Thank you Flowers only stay if you click on "Back to Questions". If you use the back arrow on your browser the flower disappears!! That's why there seems to be less around..


by justonlyme 22 Sep 2011

Maybe I'm not getting your point. If you give a flower and then hit the back arrow, you go to the previous page, right? That page didn't have a flower. That is logical. But if you go BACK to the page that you gave the flower OR refreshed the page, isn't the flower there? I just tried it and it worked just fine. Or maybe this isn't what you are talking about at all. I'm tired tonight, so may be a little thick. But you've piqued my curiosity now, so this is interesting. I've started putting my Cute flower count on a note each day to see how it is changing (because slow changes aren't even noticeable) and it looks like they are about right. Please correct me if I'm wrong, or as my Dad used to say, Barking up the wrong tree. :) :) Good luck with your quest for an answer. And flowers for everyone.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 22 Sep 2011

YES, you are correct. It is only logical that if you Arrow back what you see is the page before the changes, if you then "refresh" that page it will update it.
hugs, Meganne

by clawton 21 Sep 2011

They are really there even though you don't see them when doing the back arrow. Click on the pages at the bottom and you will see they are there. It seems that the arrow takes you back to the page before giving flowers. It is confusing since it didn't work that way before.

by jofrog2000 21 Sep 2011

Perhaps that's some of the reason, even before the overhaul, it seemed that it was easier for people to just click down the main line, and not inside the posts. And you can sure tell when people are not reading the answers and posts already there!

by cfidl 21 Sep 2011

Thank you for figuring that out. Does everyone that got a flower on that page lose theirs also? If so I have been spinning my wheels for few days now. Live Laugh Download Stitch! christine

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Sep 2011

Just gave you a flower. used the back button and you still have it. Hmmmmmmmmmm?

by noah 21 Sep 2011

yes it does the same for me here so i been a back clicking lol hugs carolyn