We have twin granddaughter's - but they are just going to be 9 next month - we haven't even seen them in person - so I doubt we will be teaching them to drive - but one never knows for sure - does one? I am thrilled for you and glad you have patients and can teach them some good defensive driving, too. *4U
I am so glad that is all behind me.. I had 4 kids and yes it is a experience in its self.. they are all grown now and have children of their own.. but I swear I thought my son would use up all his 9 lives.. but now he has teen ages girls that are ready to drive.. more gray hair for him.. remember it is all in the decisions that they make..
My youngest GD turned 15 last Friday, and got her permit to drive yesterday. She too has to have an adult with her. They grow up too fast. I don't have paitence to teach to drive, but had to do some of it with my girls.
Thank you so much for all your nice comments and the time
you took. It is such a comfort to read your sweet words.
In our case the girls did not really want their daddy to be
their teacher because he IS a teacher (no, not for driving
but maths and phyiscs). So the home "teaching" thing is my
job :-)) In accordance with valid German law the girls did
pass their driving tests but until their 18th birthday they
have a provisional driving license and an adult must accompany them in the car. At the 18th birthday then they can get the "real" license without a further test.
I see it as a chance - so they can get experienced and you are not too worried when they start driving alone.
Traffic in Germany unfortunately has become very rude
within the last years and the roads are crowded - you really have to concentrate. The girls prefer me because
they say I am more "patient" with them and a defensive
driver :-)) Love Maria
Just remembered that I have this wonderful picture of my twin grandchildren - as I said before not quite the age for their test yet. Sarah.
What a nice picture of those little beauties - and they already have this "expert" look -
I am sure they will be good drivers.
Thank you for sharing the picture - Maria
Maria, congratulations. No I don't have twins. But I was lucky both my children had scooters before they could get there driving licenses for cars. So they new all the rules. My mother-in-law took my daughter for lessons, as I was working full days, I did take her on week-ends. I took my son, and he did do lessons with my brother-in-law who gives driving lessons. Best of luck. Hugs Yvonne
Congratulations to your twins. My eldest grandson is 17 in October. He can then drive with a provisional license and an adult. Here in South Africa one has to be 18 to take a test. My twin grandchildren are coming up to 3 so they have a long way to go yet!!!!
Congrats to you too! Isn't it exciting to
have these grandchildren and to see them
Time goes by too fast - unfortunately - and
children and grands are grown up so quickly -
and I think it's easier when they are small
It's already 2 years ago that we had a lovely
exchange pupil here from Pretoria. She now
is doing her final exams and already got her driving license. It seems in Southafrica it makes the young girls independent when they are allowed to drive. She and her mother told me the children are not allowed to go by bike or do sports outside without company of parents or other adults.
My girls are now 33 and I could not teach them. My husband did, he was so good with them. Never raised his voice at all. You are very brave to "take on the task" of teaching both of them. Lots of luck. Debbie
..and you are very lucky, to have such a
patient husband. Debbie, I would be eager
to know whether your girls are still very
close with each other, have similar hobbies
or professions. I always wonder, what future
will bring and hope they do not fall in love with one boy :-)
My girls used to be extremely close. Both started teaching, then one changed to insurance claims adjuster. Both are Vegan, love working at animal shelters & adoptions. Right now they are living in different states and are not speaking - had an argument. I am hoping they will get back together. Best of luck with your girls. Debbie
Maria. Hats off to you that you could even do that. I could not get into the car with my learning children whether one or two. I left that job to my husband. I am one of the worst passenger any time,so forget an inexperienced driver. Thank goodness that my twins (now 38) did not learn at the same time.
Thank you - yes, I would have preferred if
they had learned at different times - and,
you are right, it is stress not to be the
driver yourself. Maria
Dear Maria,
I don't have experience with twins - but my girls are 18 months apart and were driving at the same time. I taught all my children to drive and then for Amy (our last child) I gave her some Private Driving lessons as well. They are all brilliant drivers now! I keep telling my husband it's because I taught them! LOL!!!! Love Chris
Dear Chris, thank you for the cute picture
(I immediately sent it to my daughters which
are so pleased now) and thank you for
taking time to comment. Maria
I was so brave that I left the driving lessons to my husband. We have 14 acres and both of our kids were used to driving the tractor so driving the car came easy for them. Best of luck with their lessons. A year will go by fast.
This sounds good - thank you - but unfortuna-
tely our garden is small - so no possibility
for tractor driving lessons :-)
You are one brave gal. My nerves were so bad when I even thought of teaching my son and daughter to drive when they got close to the age. Then I found out my dear hubby had been having them drive at about age 11 out in the country where we live. I almost had a heart attack when he then admitted to having them drive in town at that age. If he had been caught he would have lost his right to drive for a long time. But when each one took the driving test the man with them asked how long they had been driving. When they said since 11 he laughed and said he wasn't surprised. LOL Both are good drivers and they are 43 now and 38. Hubby was still alive and taught grandson to drive but I never asked how young he was when that happened. Now grand daughter is old enough and hubby is no longer here. I guess her dad is taking her out a little but she is 17. I just don't have good enough nerves to do it. You should get a medal for working with twins. Since I can't give you one I'll give you a flower and a hug.. :)
Thank you - it's good if we mothers do not
know what our dear hubbies are doing with
our precious kids, and we are really have to
go through exciting years until children are
adults - and then it starts again with the
grandchildren. But you have done enough, so
leave the job to the daddy of your granddaughter -Love Maria
My dear. you most certainly deserve a medal!!! I taught my two sons to drive, i spent most of my time with my foot on an imaginary brake and both hands clutched on the dashboard, and I prayed!!!!!
You deserve to sit with a cup of coffee/tea/Huge glass of wine and relax with the Cuties!!
Well done, YOU ARE A STAR!!!!
Thank you for your kind words - exactly what
I feel - imaginary brake, silent prayers and
both hands clutched
Yes I should take your advice and relax with
the Cuties!
My kids are not twins but were learning to drive at the same time. They would actually offer help to the other so that both learned everything they needed to know. They actually learn twice as fast when they are working together as a team, because then one might know what the other doesn't. Congratulations on yours and their achievements!! That is a fun time. :)
You must have nerves of steel. I had to teach my son how to drive a manual transmission... 5 years ago... haven't totally recovered as yet. :P
Oh Maria Du Arme :o)
Anna ist ja erst 9, gibt aber schon ihre Kommentare bzgl. meines Fahrstils ab. Wie ist das dann erst mit 2, die beide selbst ans Steuer wollen???
Wenn die Damen gerne Fahrpraxis haben wollen, können sie Dich ja am 29.Oktober nach Karlsruhe fahren zum Stoffmarkt (oder wenigstens zu mir ans Walldorfer Kreuz, ich nehme Dich gerne mit und darf schon seit 25Jahren alleine fahren ;-).
Liebe Grüße
For all the englishspeakers: My 9years old tries to ell me how to drive. How terrible must it be to have twins who both wanna drive?
Tried again to persuade Maria to come to KA to the dutch fabric market and meet me and tauberschmitt :o)
Danke für das Mitgefühl Bettina! Ja, das wäre
eine gute Idee mit dem Treffen beim Stoffmarkt in Karlsruhe. Bin aber leider
süchtig nach Stoff (aber wer von uns wäre es
nicht?)Wann trefft Ihr Euch denn?
Ja, das mit den Kommentaren ist so eine Sache. Ich muss Dir sagen, es wird wohl nicht besser, wenn die Mädels so richtig in die Pubertät kommen. Mittlerweile habe ich zuhause gelernt, mich sozusagen wortlos aus dem Staub zu machen;dann diskutieren sie miteinander :-)) aber im Auto muss ich ja sitzen bleiben
Herzliche Grüsse nach Heidelberg
Maria / Du hast es aber auch nicht leicht mit durchwachten Nächten mit Felix und so.
Geht es ihm besser jetzt und damit Dir?
ine Sache. In der Pubertät wird es leider nicht besser. Ich habe mir angewöhnt, zu
Hause unauffällig den Raum zu verlassen, dann diskutieren sie miteiander :-)) Im Auto geht das aber nicht... herzliche Grüsse nach Heidelberg Maria / Du hast es aber auch nicht leicht mit durchwachten Nächten und so. Geht es Deinem Sohn besser jetzt und damit auch Dir? Alles Gute.... und das mit dem Stoffmarkt ist wirklich eine gute Ideee
Hallo Maria,
geht es Dir wie mir mit der neuen Regelung der Kommentare (>abschneiden ohne Warnung),
das nervt so :o( Schick mir doch einfach eine Mail an blauestunde@mac.com
Liebe Grüße, Bettina
That has to be a handful for sure and I love your rules!!!