Me too, also miss the PM's and being able to see where someone is from...Hugs Sally
Are we upgrading ?? I have quite a few whines also.
speed is good but lack of familar things and functions...not so much. Yup, I'm whining again and have paid for that right. LOL- =O)
my whining ist just very small - miss the Q&A and the PM too but my cute time is cut to minimum at the time - to much work, learning and no stitching time either - will be better in october
It is a little difficult, isn't it. Miss all the things posted before!
How long does it take to revamp a site? Others haven't taken so long.
depends on how much time you have to invest, there is a live outside of internet 8-))
I miss a lot of things that haven't been finished on this site. And I few that I fear will not ever come back like more than one Veronika design a day. Will be soooo glad when this site is back up to speed. I really miss the private messages and the questions I've marked for future references.
you aren't the only whiner Alice-I miss it too-along with the PM tab =O( ~linda~
Me too. Like Sarah I also miss the PMs (now that we wanna organize a german cutie-meeting that would be very important) and with all my typing errors I need the "edit"-tab ;o)
Tomorrow the page is under construction since 3weeks. Think it is time to finished all the changes...
Greetings, Bettina
Hi Alice, what I miss the most is not being able to 'edit' our answers and no PM. Hope it won't be too much longer. Sarah
OH that too, I miss pm's but if I ask a question and I don't have time to find it then people who answered me might think I am rude. But then maybe not because they can't find it either. lol.