by honeychyle 12 Oct 2011

lindalee--Thanks for asking about my daughter. The depression is setting in now. Someone told her she may have to be in a nursing facility for up to a year before she gets to come home. I sure hope that's not true, I miss her so very much. Had family drive up from Ark. over the weekend. All got together and wheel-chaired me up to see her. We had a good cry and an even better visit. I've promised I will get back to see her as soon as possible. I have a caretaker here but she's pretty small, I don't think she could get me there by herself. We talk on the phone several times a day, that has to do for now. Again, thanks for asking. Judy


by juanitadenney 13 Oct 2011

My prayers are with you and your daughter. Tell her to hang in there, things will get better. I know they did for me as I am recovering from brain surgery. A lot of prayers from everyone sure do help. Juanita

by castelyn 13 Oct 2011

Judy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs Yvonne

by justonlyme 13 Oct 2011

Hopefully she will see the positive side of things. She is alive in order to do the recovering. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of reassurance, but if she were not among us, then the frustration, irritation and waiting would be over for her, and just starting for her. It has taken a lot of bravery and courage for her get this far. Please tell her to keep up the good work from us!! My best wishes to you, your daughter and your rentire family!!!

by lindalee757 12 Oct 2011

It sure is a long road Judy-and I hope she doesn't have to be away from home for a year before she can GO home-but then again-it might be what's best for her- I know my hospital stay was no picnic-and that was a month but I was able to go home finally--I had home health care nurses that came in daily to monitor me and take care of my dressings and the whole ostomy stuff. That was about 3 month process-I had a 3 step process done so I had to go back for a reversal(knock down)surgery. It's great that you are able to keep in touch on the phone daily-you should get set up with instant messenger or Facebook-then you can correspond any hour of the day or nite. Tell her to keep her chin up-there will days that it'll be tough, but it does get better. Huggs to both of you =O) ~linda~

by capoodle 12 Oct 2011

I can only pray for the best for the both of you and your family.

by noah 12 Oct 2011

oh Judy that is good to here .Sometimes life don't seem fair but we can't see the end so i guess we half to just go with the flow and enjoy life as much as we can hugs carolyn

by drro 12 Oct 2011

I am praying for your and your daughter's health and well being in this challenging time, trusting our loving Father and God to provide for all your needs and desires and knowing that He will keep you both in His care!

1 comment
mariahail by mariahail 12 Oct 2011


by devon 12 Oct 2011

Sending my hugs and prayers for you and your family. DeVon