by Simplesewer1 14 Oct 2011

Anybody mind that I gave flowers to everyone tonight LOL!!. felt like sharing !!


by smee 15 Oct 2011

You just go right ahead and give till your heart is content :) alias ( Nonna57 )

by cherylgauteng 15 Oct 2011

Thanks for your flower and here is another for you ! Have a lovely day.

by airyfairy 15 Oct 2011

Thank you - and one for you.

by kryztyna 15 Oct 2011

Thanks Love the flowers, this is for you....and everyone else. I love giving flowers. The questions and answers is a lively conversation that I am feel I am part of..

by gdsteliga 14 Oct 2011

That was very sweet. Thank you. I needed that.

God bless

by capoodle 14 Oct 2011

There are plenty of flowers to water so enjoy watering them. Here's another *4U

by lindalee757 14 Oct 2011

LOL-if n it makes ya happy, go for it. I like to do that too-in fact-I did that last night and today-on community, the entire 396 pages of DBC and a ton of cuties got um on projects =O)

by shirlener88 14 Oct 2011

So happy you did - thank you *4U