My hubby always waves a $20.00 bill at me ans says give me 5 more hiccups and the twenty is yours..never did get that money
My sister in law had some serious health problems and used to get the hiccups all the time. She would call me to go through an exercise that would help relax her diaphragm. It usually works. If you breathe in till your lungs cannot hold any more air and then hold it till you are ready to panic, and then blow out till you have completely expended your air, then it will usually relax the diaphragm. It is a cross between yoga and a hypnotic state. The nice thing is, you don't have to have water or sugar or a paper bag or any of the usual home remedies. Just in case they come back. Good luck there.
Try breathing into a paper bag, I read somewhere that this works
I hope your hicups are gone by now. But I've gotten chuckles over all the ways to cure them! Even if the peanut butter doesn't work, at least it tastes better than the vinegar!
Yep gone ... I did the peanut butter ... And I also got a lot of giggles reading all the remedies ! What a great place .. THANK YOU to all for your suggestions ! * 4 everyone !!
If you still have them, take a swig of white vinegar and swallow in one gulp! It will cause your diaphram to contract and expel the air out and the hiccups should be gone...Just don't be a sissy and sip! Takes a swig...a bit less than a tablespoon.
Did anything work? Did you choke on sugar? Did you drown in the water you were drinking upside down? Are you pregnant?
A woman went to the doctor's office where she was seen by one of the younger doctors.
After about four minutes in the examination room, she burst out screaming as she ran down the hall.
An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was, and she told him her story.
After listening, he had her sit down and relax in another room.
The older doctor marched down the hallway back to where the young doctor was writing on his clipboard.
"What the hell is the matter with you?! the older doctor demanded."
Mrs. Terry is 65 years old, has four grown children and seven grandchildren, and you told her she was pregnant?"
The younger doctor continued writing and without looking up said,
"Does she still have the hiccups?"
Hope you are feeling better - I agree with Capoodle - a spoonful of sugar - just suck on it til it is gone and the hiccups should be too!*
I'm sure you're ok by now but this trick never fails - stand up, take a glass of water and bend over and drink from the opposite side of the glass, almost as soon as you swallow the hiccups are gone! (you actually tilt the glass away from your mouth)
If you have any bitters and lime ... take a wedge of lime and sprinkle a bit of the bitters over the top and then bite into the wedge of every time.
Try lying down and relaxing, while lightly rubbing your abdomen, a hands width below your bust. Your diaphram is in spasm. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your mouth, out through your nose. HTH
I have already done ... hold our breath while drinking 8oz of water ..... hold your breath for 1 min...