They are very pretty, the Guardian Angel was always my mother's favorite. Can you please tell me where they come from? I will love to stitched one of them, it will make me feel as is my mother was closer to me...Thanks.*****for all*******
Thank you - sorry but I can´t remember where I got the Guardian Angel, perhaps you can Google it?????
The design comes from Emblibrary. I'm pretty sure. But they have not been discontinued. Watch it at Christmas time. Maybe coming back. Hugs Hilde
Flottar myndir Sigrún hvar fékkstu þær? ég er mjög hrifin af englinum með börnin.Ég átti svona mynd þegar ég var lítil kveðja Ásdís
Sæl Ásdís, ég man nú ekki hvar ég fékk þetta, þarf að ath. það hjá mér í munstur-skránni, ég get sent þér myndina ef ég finn hana ef þú vilt, gefðu mér upp póstfangið þitt, er búin að týna því úr tölvunni, var að uppfæra í Windows 7
- uppfæra í Windows 7 - mér finnst alltof stuttur texti sem hægt er að nota í Comment
Oh these are lovely designs - try more stabilizer - even if you just float it under the hoop - if it is too difficult to hoop with material.
Thank you Shirlene - yes I can remember, it was difficult to hoop, the material is a velvet and it came a burn mark in it, and I said to my self that I can´t hoop the velvet, have to fix it on Stabilizer.