by michemb 25 Oct 2011

Yet another, I am winding down. This one gave me a headache, teacup design not as nice as I would have liked had to do some machine sewing to fill it in (hope you experts don't look to close) and the ruler embroidery from EMB.LIB. wasn't what I expected either (first time I am disappointed with EMB.Lib). Again I had to machine sew a line inside to finish off the ruler design because it just looked weird. Despite the headache I think (hope) it turned out nice. Thanks for looking,



by theduchess 26 Oct 2011

Looks very nice and very well done.Go pat yourself on the back.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 26 Oct 2011

O.K. pat on the back, check. Now along with that a kick in the bum would maybe get me moving today. Woke up very tired and can not
get on to working today.
Thank you for the nice comments, appreciate it.

by ermaplatt 26 Oct 2011

What a nice gift. it looks wonderful

1 comment
michemb by michemb 26 Oct 2011

Thank you
I finally finished my last one this morning,
glad to be moving on to something else.

by lidiad 26 Oct 2011

Michelle, this is a great project! Love it!!!!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 26 Oct 2011

Thank you and have a nice day

by deegee 26 Oct 2011

Looks great. I think you have done a lovely job.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 26 Oct 2011

Thank you so much

by shirlener88 26 Oct 2011

Michelle, this is lovely work - there is no way to see anything wrong with this - I sure wouldn't let the person that you give it to - know that you had any trouble whatsoever with it - I am sure they or anyone else looking at this - would ever be able to see what you did or didn't do to this piece - it is wonderful my dear. Shirlene

1 comment
michemb by michemb 26 Oct 2011

Thank you Shirlene
Coming from you this means it gets a passing grade.

by moyed 26 Oct 2011

Michelle, the foam on the top of the cup looks so real I can smell the coffee. Beautiful work. hugs Helen

1 comment
michemb by michemb 26 Oct 2011

Thanks Helen, I had a hard time but I guess it
turned out o.k. after all.

by capoodle 25 Oct 2011

It looks lovely. Sometimes you just have to give yourself a time out. Hope you feel better soon.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 25 Oct 2011

Tommorrow is a new day and I am sure that after a good nights sleep and new projects for the day it will be back to normal.

by oaro 25 Oct 2011

Another great project

1 comment
michemb by michemb 25 Oct 2011

Thanks ever so much, appreciate your comments,
I guess I will continue tommorrow.

by noah 25 Oct 2011

Well yes it is very nice i would be proud to own it hugs Carolyn

1 comment
michemb by michemb 25 Oct 2011

Your too kind
Thank you

by mops Moderator 25 Oct 2011

I had a close look and there's nothing that shouts Ï have been added freehand", on the contrary it looks great! And I like them all.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 25 Oct 2011

Thanks alot mops, coming from your "expert" eye I guess I will breathe easier on this one.

by lindalee757 25 Oct 2011

It did turn out nice indeed Michelle-do you need some Tylonol now?? LOL It looks wonderful ~linda~

lindalee757 by lindalee757 25 Oct 2011

PS-as for the "experts"-if they are looking that close to find flaws and criticize-they should just keep it to themselves-

michemb by michemb 25 Oct 2011

Took tylenol this morning. O.K. now but it has just been one of those days when you ask yourself "why am I doing this and is this fun". Today the answer was iffy.
Thanks for your comments

lindalee757 by lindalee757 25 Oct 2011

LOL-your projects all look really great Michelle so, my answer to the little vermin sitting in your left ear asking why??? flick the bugger off-and say, "I may not be having that much fun right now, but damn, I do beautiful work" LOL
You accomplished alot more than I did-more customer repair drop-offs & very little stitching

lindalee757 by lindalee757 25 Oct 2011

-GRRRRRRR-alot more than I did. Customers picked up mending only to drop off more when they picked up what I had finished-no rest for the wicked-I must be EVIL!!

michemb by michemb 25 Oct 2011

I am sure tommorrow will be a better day, too many placemats had me in a tired state, need a change so tommorrow christmas stockings are on the menu. This should be fun.