Well, long story short. My dealer fried my electrical board. I'm sick about it, good news is he's going to fix it and ofcourse no charge! I just don't know how it will work. It was running great... Hubby picking it up tomorrow. Keeping my fingers cross
did he guarantee his work hmmmmm another bad one these repair men are not always honets...soozie
I feel so sorry for you. My machine went in last Tuesday for a full service and I begged to have it back by Friday. I've been stitching away all weekend and she is like new. I am sure your problem is something small. Hope it gets sorted out quickly.
They can look at the stitch count on the machine to tell how much it has been used since it was in the shop. If there has been no change, then they will know that you haven't used it. When I take mine in, they note the stitch count on the receipt. Good luck. I hope it is something tiny minor!!!
Two weeks is not a long time since your machine was`serviced?`so I don`t think the dealer has reason to be agitated, however I would check the machine again before you leave just to make doubly sure it is not powering up.Good luck.