by pattyk 04 Nov 2011

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but could you all PLEASE vote for B on the train alpha. It is on pg 29. My 3 yr old grandson LOVES trains and I would love to make him a pillow case with is name on it, but somehow I missed B and his name is Brock. I have the other letters for his name. Thanks so much!!! Could also use J and N on pgs 28 and 29, but first I REALLY need B. Love this group and site, thank again.



by zoefzoef 04 Nov 2011

best is to ask this question when the alphabet is at its end. I think you now will hardly make a chance. Just remind us all again. And we will sure vote for the letters you missed !

by tilde01 04 Nov 2011

voting for the B, but no chance of getting it until the trail alpha gets to the end. I'd also request that everyone vote for the A, as I missed that one. Thank you.