Been there, done that & yes messed it up a few times, but we learn by experience, by our mistakes, & nothing I ever messed up was not fixable. I was fortunate I had a yrs warranty. my dealer was so kind & considerate, & told me what I did wrong then he showed me how not to do it.*4U but he does not give lessons so I had to learn the hard way, trial & error.
BE BRAVE! Just go for it. After awhile it is not longer intimating!
briauna, do what you can with what you know - learn some more and do more. Read your manual and go online and ask questions of anyone that has that sort of machine. You will get better with time. Besides in most cases - the little that we know - hurts us more, if we don't try to learn more and work with our machines. Remember they are they machines we are the humans and the operators. Hehehe! A flower for you.