by fannyfurkin 30 Nov 2011

Please miss Veronica, can we have my questions and my answers back? I know how much work it is to maintain and upgrade a website. But if you can please find the time to restore these functions it would be greatly appreciated.



by killiecrankie 01 Dec 2011

Yes please ,pretty please ,please

by oaro 01 Dec 2011

Yes please i can not upload the projects I wound love to

by bumblebee 01 Dec 2011

Well as annoying as all the lost features are, I count my blessings, it is free.
Perhaps, she is overwhelmed with the business aspect
and these freebie area are in the low end of the totem pole. She has to pay for the space we use so be grateful I say and hope for better and ask nicely.

by sigrun 01 Dec 2011

Yes please Miss Veronica :-))

by raels011 01 Dec 2011

Why hasn't Miss Veronica answered any of these queries It would be nice to know if she is seeing our concerns

by eggyannie 01 Dec 2011

we really cannot complain as this section of cute designs is actually free, and how many other companies will allow other designers to give away so much of their work free on the web site that they have to actually pay for. at the momment it is a case of be gratefull for small mercys. how would you feel if ALL the FREE designs disapeared
annie in the uk

1 comment
meganne by meganne 01 Dec 2011

Annie it also acts as a draw card to bring people back to the site and recommend it to their friends, which, when you think about it, is probably part of the problem because the site must use so much bandwidth that it can't possibly be paying for itself.

by cfidl 01 Dec 2011

My sentiments also! Please Ms. V!

by michele921 01 Dec 2011

I agree with everyone wish it would come back miss my tags, when I do a search for myself I know it's not picking up everything since I have been a member since 2007 and I only have 10 pages of comments and when I look at them a lot of things are missing. so searching by name doesn't pull everything only what it wants.

by pcteddyb 01 Dec 2011

Yes, PLEASE, and the marked too!

by meganne 01 Dec 2011

Perhaps Miss Veronika is having trouble retrieving all the features she lost when she was trying to make improvements???

This is such a shame because it has ruined what was once the best site on the net.
Now, not being able to bring up our own posts, answers and 'marked' posts is nothing short of miserable! We can't even add tags any more and the number limited text in Comments is so darned annoying it is frustrating. I get so I don't want to participate any more because half the time I lose what I have written.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Miss V, restore the site to its former glory. You spoiled us with all those fabulous features now you've taken them away and we really miss them.
hugs n roses, Meganne

ansalu by ansalu 01 Dec 2011

I agree so with you. Know that some members did not come here so often as before cause of this changes. Hate it when I read old post and vene there were the comments cut off!
Greetings, Bettina

ansalu by ansalu 01 Dec 2011

And I want my "edit-button" back as a tribute to the non-native speakers please!
(should be "even there were the comments cut off").

eggyannie by eggyannie 01 Dec 2011

i too find it very frustrating when a cutie has asked a question and i try to give a detailed explanation and it gets cut off,

eggyannie by eggyannie 01 Dec 2011

i now think why bother. otherwise i have to do it over several comment boxs but again as i do not know when its going

eggyannie by eggyannie 01 Dec 2011

to actually be cut off and so have to keep going back and cutting and pasting . annie in the uk

by snowbird42 01 Dec 2011

the editing tool please pretty please and check our questions ....soozie

by raels011 01 Dec 2011

I am also waiting for this site to get back to normal We put in tags but can't find any also can't find marked questions

raels011 by raels011 01 Dec 2011

I am not going to renew my membership until it is up and running

rmj8939 by rmj8939 01 Dec 2011

I had just renewed when this all started. I am with you....until it is right I will wait.

ansalu by ansalu 01 Dec 2011

Same to me. Renewed on the first day all this mess started... :o(

by philippa 01 Dec 2011

In the meantime, use the Google custom search (under the Ask the Community box). Just type in your 'cute name' and all your questions and answers will be listed. Not quite so convenient as the tab settings, but...

meganne by meganne 01 Dec 2011

Not quite the same when you have been a member for five years and suddenly lost all the valuable information, tutorials, product reviews, suppliers links, etc that had taken hours to write up, for everyone's benefit. It is really upsetting to lose this history as it is impossible to rewrite it all when new members require it.

meganne by meganne 01 Dec 2011

history as it is impossible to rewrite it all when new members require it. hugs n roses, Meganne

by ansalu 01 Dec 2011

Like Linda once said: Gives me the feeling of riding a dead horse to ask again and again for this features cause there is no reaction from the other site :o(
The "upgrade" (not my expression for this) was at te beginning of septembre; do you think we were nice enough for a big gift from santa?
Greetings, Bettina

by airyfairy 01 Dec 2011

I would like to say PLEASE as well. I also miss the editing function. Sarah.

by beatie58 30 Nov 2011

I'm with you Alice, I really miss that function! Perhaps as you say begging will help! Hugs Sally

by leenova54 30 Nov 2011

Oh yes please and our check marked questions too! I am lost without them!

1 comment
beatie58 by beatie58 30 Nov 2011

Me too! I saved so much there instead of printing out anything I think I want to refer to later, as I have been doing since we lost that function! Hugs Sally
Please MS Veronika!

by lindalee757 30 Nov 2011

I second that-although we have all been saying that for what???3 months???? Chris had been asked by Veronika- to have everyone submit what we all wanted to see on the site and she sent it to her-I don't know that anything ever came from it???

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 30 Nov 2011

I just thought I would try begging, it works on me.

lindalee757 by lindalee757 30 Nov 2011


by bevintex 30 Nov 2011

Alice ,I hope your wish is granted. It will benefit all of us