Hi and welcome. I use the flowers to say thanks and to acknowledge that other cuties have taken the time to answer a question, offer help or post a comment. It is wonderful to help grow the flower gardens. When I read a comment I give flowers to all. I give a flower to the cutie that asked the question too, the flower changes color and I know what posts I have read. Here's one for you. May your garden be blooming great. Hugs Christine, Johannesburg
Just gave you another one.
Oh thanks Michelle. This is a very special number. My Birthday on the 22, the housenumber I lived in for 37 years was 22. I had twins born on the 11th and so on.
It wasn't too long ago that I was asking that question, too. They're like a 'thumbs up.' By looking at someone's flower count, you can just about guess how long they've been on site. Right now, you have 2 flowers... when I get done submitting this message, I'll click on the green flower above and give you a flower. When I give you a flower for your question, the number of flowers under you profile icon with increase by one. Why its done, I don't know... LOL! I'll warn you ahead of time, though... its addicting.
Happy Flowering!
They are hellos or signs of friendship from other members here. You post questions or answers, and other Cuties give you flowers for your efforts.
Welcome to Cute!
Ask questions, give answers, share what is going on with yourself.