by leenova54 24 Jan 2012

OK, I was going to change my profile pic and put up a new one of me now (bald, lol) but I can't find how to do it now. Don't know if it is because we are missing some links or just because I forget what to do. Went to the home page and my account but can't find for the pic. Oh well, either someone will tell me or we will wait till we get back those features we love so much.

Hugs, Debra


by lbrow 27 Jan 2012

Deb you are beautiful! Inside as well as out, an inspiration for us all./Lillian

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 27 Jan 2012

Thank you Lillian, I feel nothing but love on this site!

by manami 27 Jan 2012

Dear Debra, you are so beautiful!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Yoriko

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 27 Jan 2012

Thank you Yoriko, you are another of my "cutie angels"!

by marcellelewis 26 Jan 2012

To help your nutritional intake for the anemia you might try adding V-Fusion fruit & vegetable juice. My family, even the grandchildren really like the strawberry/banana flavor. It really is great. It is a product put out by the same people that make regular V8 juice.

I hope you are feeling better.


marcellelewis by marcellelewis 26 Jan 2012

I give my husband iron in the form of ferrous sulphate 325 mg 3 times a day for his anemia. The Dr has him take tums with each tablet to help absorption. Take them with food always too. Marcelle

leenova54 by leenova54 27 Jan 2012

Some good tips there, I just started the ferrous sulphate 325 mg, the nurse said once a day but I get tested in 2 1/2 hours so I don't think I can make it work any faster. I'll try the V-Fusion too.

by ksgram1 26 Jan 2012

Dearest Debra, This morning I walked into the beauty salon with my hair down to my waist. I came out with it as short as a man's. The reason: I donated my hair to Locks of Love in your honor. They make wigs for people who have lost their hair because of chemotherapy, etc.....children included. While it wasn't possible to have my hair made into a wig especially for you,(you're beautiful without it anyway) I hope that it will bring you joy to know that because of your wonderful example of courage, someone will have a little something to add some joy to their life. I'm sending you a heart full of love and big hugs. ~ Marjorie

leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Awww, that is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so much and I hope the person who gets the wig is as honored as I am to know that you did it for them too! tears :)

ksgram1 by ksgram1 27 Jan 2012

You are so welcome. It was my honor to do it for you. By the way, I love my new haircut. You continue to be in my prayers.

manami by manami 27 Jan 2012

Marjorie, you are such a remarkable lady! What a beautiful gesture you have done! Hugs,Yoriko

ksgram1 by ksgram1 27 Jan 2012

Thank you Yoriko. It was my honor to do this for Debra. Hugs

by almag 26 Jan 2012

Debra = you are such an inspiration.
You know the saying..... Beauty is only skin deep .... well, now we know just how beautiful you really are.
Your story of courage and determination is reaching far more people and giving them hope far more than you could ever imagine. My prayer for you is that you will be rewarded with complete recovery.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you, I don't feel like an inspiration but so many people tell me I am. I just keep going, not ready to give up. Happy to be here today.

by rwalden 26 Jan 2012

Debra, beauty comes from within. And I think you are a beautiful person. I continue to pray for you and admire your courage. Hugs!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you, I see many people struggling with the effects of cancer.

by buanlester 26 Jan 2012

I see a woman who carry her baldness with courage and dignity. I'll be praying for your good health and remember , we may not know each other personally but cute embroidery is keeping us all close . We hope and pray that those other cuties who are in not in good health will be heal and feel better. God Bless You All.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you! These days cancer has touched everyone in some way.

by bowlds 26 Jan 2012

As requested, here's a picture of the "hair strips" I would velcro into hats. Also a pic of the inside of one hat and 3 shaggy hats my friend made me, which I really loved. People actually thought the brown one was hair, what does that say about my real hair...hmmmm.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Well, those are pretty cool, I'll have to see if I can find one somewhere, I like the curly one and longer one. I have a ton of hats!

by dilceia 26 Jan 2012

You look great! Very beautiful.
That our good GOD give you forces to continue in its walk! I am going to continue praying for you... You taste too much!!!
Kisses in your heart.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you Dilceia, you are such a dear. Kisses to your heart too!

by darenluan 26 Jan 2012

You have beautiful eyes and you continue to be a beautiful person. And remember...we love you.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you so much, my cute family means the world to me!

by lflanders 26 Jan 2012

Hair is not what makes a person beautiful! Beauty comes from within! You are a beautiful person with an IRON WILL! May God bless you during this trial and keep you in His loving hands! We are all so proud of you and the strength you have shown during this awful situation you are going through. Some of us crash and burn during situations that are very minor to what you are going through. You have been a shining example of love, hope and strength during all of this, plus you have had a truely marvelous attitude. Keep up your Faith and your Hope! That is a great part of the battle! May God bless you and make you better with every coming day ahead! Hugs, Linda

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you, I am doing all that I can, the rest is out of my hands.

by anangel 26 Jan 2012

So proud of your determination, and I am cheering for you all the way back to good health!! My prayers are ongoing for you, Debra! Hair, or no hair, you are beautiful!!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you so much, this site has given me so much love and support!

by marcellelewis 26 Jan 2012

Sorry to hear you are now dealing with the anemia. I hope you don't have to have a transfusion.

My husband is able to take injections of aranesp when his gets bad. But his anemia is caused by his one half of one kidney left not making enough hormone to tell the bone marrow to make red blood cells.

I always knew chemo caused anemia but don't know if any of the drugs can help that type. I suspect there is a 'Cutie' that can tell me the answer to that.

Conserve your energy and gets lots of rest. I'm sure you doctor will stay on top of the anemia for you.

Praying for your recovery.


1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Had sloppy joe twice today and an iron pill, having steak tomorrow, hopefully my iron will be up by Friday so I don't need a transfusion. We will work on it.

by katydid 25 Jan 2012

Oh , sweetie , your hair will grow back and maybe in a different texture. Hope for the best!!! maybe you will still have some color instead of gray. i do love my gray. I earned each one!! Kay

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

2 years ago it came in white and very curly then over the course of a year it made it back to it's natural salt and pepper and wavy. No worries there.

by marcellelewis 25 Jan 2012

You look great. I like the picture.

I have had trouble getting use to identifying you with the new one though. I am still looking for the other one like I use to. Wow, I am really getting old. It is taking me far too long to adjust to change these days.

You are such a brave lady and quite the fighter. I applaud you. Please keep us updated.

Love your wall of angels.

So nice that you were able to get your avatar changed even though the feature isn't working yet.


marcellelewis by marcellelewis 25 Jan 2012

Saw the larger photo. Love it. You look so healthy. PINK is definitely your color!!


leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you!

by aleene 25 Jan 2012

You look great! hope you are feeling as good as you look! Hugs and prayers

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you, working toward feeling good, not so much right now.

by lilylady 25 Jan 2012

god gave us this one body to love and cherish for the rest of our lives. We do the best we can with it. But the spirit inside is always beautiful, strong, and keeps the body going. God Bless!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you, He did make me strong.

by beatie58 25 Jan 2012

Gorgeous picture! Just love your spirit!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012


by judybell 25 Jan 2012

You look as lovely as your spirit is. God is using you to make us all realize how blessed we are to know you. Will contiue to pray for you. Hugs, Judy

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012


by jrob Moderator 25 Jan 2012

You are adorable!;)

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leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Don't feel it, lol!

by clawton 25 Jan 2012

Looks like you got the picture changed. Hope all is going well with treatments.

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leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Anemia now, got to get the iron up or get transfused Saturday.

by barbara68 25 Jan 2012

You look great!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012


by crafter2243 Moderator 25 Jan 2012

Wear it proudly. To me you look like the brave women you are. Everyone now knows you are fighting a war. Love and hugs. Angie

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Yes, we are all fighting our own wars.

by bokkieborduur 25 Jan 2012

I love your new avatar (bold), don't worry be happy. Marie

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you! Going to fight!

by susiesembroidery 25 Jan 2012

You are a beautiful woman and a gorgeous courageous lady and I wish God will bless you with good health and that you will soon be recovered. I am having chemo five times a week now, my blodcounts are really bad and I feel exhausted most of the times. Yet, I am working towards my little stall day on Sunday and I hope I can make a few Rand there. Still, for you, I am praying as well as for Meganne. Have good faith and God's richest blessings. Hair is of no importance, as long as we get well. Lovies, hugs and kisses.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 25 Jan 2012

Ang hugs and prayers for you, too :-)

leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you so much! I am waiting to hear how Meganne is doing too!

by emily16838 25 Jan 2012

You go girl

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thanks, I plan to!

by holly12 25 Jan 2012

I have to say you look great & I give you alot of credit. Just keep going as you are. Arlene

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leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

I will, I am almost fearless, lol!

by noah 25 Jan 2012

Oh Deb, you are so brave hugs and prayers carolyn

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leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thank you, I am going to be fine, I am sure of it.

by bowlds 25 Jan 2012

I was actually shocked at how much losing my hair affected me. I am not a vane person so I wasn't really worried about it. When it happened, being a very private person, I felt very exposed to the world, I could no longer keep my illness to myself and that is why it was hard for me. I do have to say, nothing felt as good as a bald head on a cool pillow!! You look great Deb!

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Oh, the pillow does feel great! I wasn't bothered by the loss of my hair, just a little self conscience when I went out and forgot to put on a hat, lol!

bowlds by bowlds 25 Jan 2012

I bought some long hair strips in different colors that I could velcro to my hats...I just added the soft velcro to the back of my hat and the strips went on any I had...they were great!

bokkieborduur by bokkieborduur 25 Jan 2012

Give us a picture of the long hair strips in all the colours. Hugs Marie

by debswebster 25 Jan 2012

Hugs to you...(()), xxxxx's for you, * for you.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you! Hugs back!

by capoodle 25 Jan 2012

Easy in the shower and out. No hair to fuss with. I lost more than half my hair a couple years ago and you could see my shiny head. Saved on shampoo and the grab and go hats worked great for the bad hair days. lol

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Yep, I have sores on my head that I pick at though so I wash my head with a shampoo for scalp problems.

by nanabs 25 Jan 2012

Beauty comes from the inside. Hair doesn't make a person beautiful, the heart does. I believe you have a beautiful heart. Hugs and Blessings. Hope you are doing great.... Judy

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Awww, you guys are going to make me cry! Thank you so much. Doing not so bad. Blood work today and next Wednesday then the 8th do 3 more days of chemo.

by janetedna 25 Jan 2012

Well done and good luck. Jan

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you! There are worse things than being bald for a few months.

by keeponsewing 25 Jan 2012

See? Bald can be beautiful! Hope you are doing well. I saw your scar and it reminded me of mother with her 4 she has, her hair grew around the scars and hides them now. Just think you won't have to worry about whether you can find a part. hehehe... On dress up day find you a BIG bow and wear it and see what people say. That's what I'd do. LOL... love you!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you! I just throw on a hat and go. Things could be a lot worse!

by airyfairy 25 Jan 2012

Debra, Your picture reminded me of when my daughter shaved off her hair because one of her friends had a mastectomy followed by chemo and lost her hair. This picture shows my daughters hair just starting to grow back. Hugs as always. Sarah.

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

That was wonderful of her to support her friend. She is beautiful! I have one friend who offered but her hair is to her waist and it took her a long time to get it there so I told her NO!!!

nanabs by nanabs 25 Jan 2012

Sarah: What a beautiful daughter you have and such a loving thing she did for her friend. It's not whats on your head that makes a person beautiful but what's in their hearts and your daughter has a beautiful heart. Hugs to you both. *4U

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 25 Jan 2012

She truly is a BEAUTIFUL person - both inside and out - she makes me proud.

airyfairy by airyfairy 25 Jan 2012

Thank you Debra, Judy and Jan for your kind words. Sarah.

jrob by jrob 25 Jan 2012

What an amazing young woman and what a good friend she is.

gerryvb by gerryvb 25 Jan 2012

wow, what an amzing girl!and what a great friend she is.

by mi30kaja 25 Jan 2012

Congratulations on showing us your bald beauty. Beauty is what is in your heart not your outside appearance.

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you so much. I could not go a day without getting on cute, you ladies have lifted me up.

airyfairy by airyfairy 25 Jan 2012

That's what we are here for

by grandmamek 25 Jan 2012

Hi Debra, We all love you. Just remember bald is beautiful. You look great. Hugs, Mary

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Well, they say it is but I don't think I look so great, now if I lost 50 pounds then maybe, lol!

by marthie 25 Jan 2012

Great for you. Congratulations. This is a step in the right direction. Mind over matter. Easier said than done I suppose but believe me - IT WORKS!!!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thanks, as long as I can keep the pain under control all is good. With the lung cancer I had no pain but when it is in the bones there is sooooo much! I will get through it again!

by gerryvb 25 Jan 2012

Well at least you will not have "a bad hair day" now, It's good to see you, with or without , always a pleasure to see you presence here at Cute.You are such a great example for all of us.And the earrings and necklace are so lovely together, and so are you. Hugs Gerry

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you, this site and the wonderful ladies here have given me hope, support and lots of love.

by eggyannie 25 Jan 2012

Hey Debra thats about 1/4 inch shorter than mine. It will grow again so no worries and just think what you are saveing in time and money. Plus now if you want to change hair styles then a wig is great just ask all the film stars.
hugs from annie in the UK

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thanks, I don't worry about the hair anymore. Wigs make my head itch so I just go bald inside and wear hats outside.

by justsew 25 Jan 2012

Well I must say that. THANK GOD YOU ARE STILL HERE.
every day is a blessing, All us Cuites love you and that is nothing to do with how you look.
Hugs Pam.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you so much. This site is filled with love and support!

by meganne 25 Jan 2012

Beauty comes from within, let your light shine and you can enlighten the world.
So,Go for it Debra, I'm with you, my memories are still very fresh and my probation still has 2 years, eight months to run.
The sword hangs high but is always there. I think all cancer combatants know exactly what I mean.

And why can't I say 'survivors'? because it gives the power to cancer.
But we also can't say 'Victors', because the threat never leaves so we don't want to be too cocky either.

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leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

I so agree about "survivors", plus, 5 years is not free, we all have cancer inside us that can go haywire at any time. I was 2 years out of the lung cancer when it spread to bones.

by nonna57 25 Jan 2012


1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you!

by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Me and Uncle Fester of the Adams Family show would make lovely children together, lol! I have a crooked smile, not so great teeth and jowls that I hate!

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

You can see where my scar is, it runs almost 1/2 way back and I doubt hair will ever grow in there very well.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 25 Jan 2012

Your earrings really show up now :-) You remind me just a little bit of Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek - he's the sexy one you know :-) Have you ever seen those hats that have built in pony tails? I'm proud of you, dear Lady, I think you look pretty good! Hugs, Jan

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Oh, thank you! I have seen those pony tail hats but I have a very small head and most hats don't fit well. I wear ones with elastic in in the back and have a large selection of them. I wear 13 earrings. A double swirl up on top of the left one then 5 sets of tiny diamond studs and then I switch out the lower ones. I made the ones I am wearing here along with the matching necklace.

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

sets of tiny diamond studs then I switch the lowest ones, I made the ones here along with the matching necklace.
Bedtime for me girls, 2:15 a.m. Blood work in the a.m.

ansalu by ansalu 25 Jan 2012

Sleep well sweetie. Like Jan I think Jean-Luc Picard is so sexy with his bald head ;o)
Hugs to you, Bettina

katydid by katydid 25 Jan 2012

You have your earrings on!!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 26 Jan 2012

Thank you Deb for being so brave - sharing yourself with us - through and through - we can see you - inside that bald head - we see your heart, your soul, your everything - we love you - just as you are - funny - the things you pointed out - I didn't even notice - I love the way you are brave and strong. Keep on!

leenova54 by leenova54 26 Jan 2012

Thanks Shirlene, I do the best I can and move on.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 26 Jan 2012

it cut the bottom of my post off - what si was saying - I didn't even notice the things you pointed out.

by greysewist Moderator 25 Jan 2012

Debra, you look pretty lively to me and that's a whole lot better than the alternative. I'm a little jealous of the time you're saving in doing your hair as well :) You look great.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Yes, shampoo costs are way down, lol. I used to dye it but after the last time when it fell out I quit that. It is good to use a conditioner on the head anyway though to help the follicles, or so I have heard.

by shirlener88 25 Jan 2012

OK Debra, I notice this new avatar before I saw your post here - why don't you answer your own question and show us a closeup of it? You LQQK lovely.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Oh, DUH!! It is almost 2 a.m. here and I am stitching out an angel, playing solitaire and checking out cute at the same time, lol!

by hightechgrammy 25 Jan 2012

Bald is Beautiful! But, I do see a little bit of fuzz:-) If you'd like for me to lighten up your picture, send it to me at and I'll make it purdier for ya! There is nothing like losing your hair to let all your inside beauty shine through to the outside :-) Jan

starlizard by starlizard 25 Jan 2012

So true!

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

The fuzz is what hasn't fallen out yet, I have patches of bald so I just buzzed it all off cause I was covered with hair. I can never get my photoshop to work right for me so I will send it off to you for work!

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

OOPS, I deleted that one, I'll crop down the other one more and see if the background lightens it up.

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

OK, that's it, final pic and this one stays till the hair grows back...I think, lol!

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 25 Jan 2012

That one looks a lot lighter. But i was going to photoshop a little pink bow for the top of your head - lol!

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012


by airyfairy 25 Jan 2012

Well done - you have managed it Debra and I think you look great. Hugs to you. Sarah.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Thank you Sarah!

by pennifold 25 Jan 2012

Dear Debbie,

I'ts a pity we can't get close ups on this part of the site, but it still looks like you. Love Chris

by lidiad 25 Jan 2012

You done it! I agree that it should be cropped closer. Hugs, Lidia

by meganne 25 Jan 2012

I feel like I should join you in support Debra.
What the hey, why not!!!!

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Yeah, welcome to the real pics club! I should have hair by mid Summer. Last time my chemo ended a week before it should this time and by July I was going without a hat a lot.

meganne by meganne 25 Jan 2012

OK, just cropped and closed in. I'll never forget when I lost my hair, it was the only time I cried through the whole 2 year battle. Now I'm thinking of going bald deliberately, it was so freeing.

jayce by jayce 25 Jan 2012

My sisters hair grew back curly, now she is having more chemo and it has started falling out again but so far she only has a bald spot at the back of her head where it first started growing the last time.

jayce by jayce 25 Jan 2012

you look lovely Debra

jayce by jayce 25 Jan 2012

you both look great

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

I didn't cry over the hair cause I knew it would come back, it came back last time pure white and totally curly then over the course of a year it darkened and the curl eased to what my natural wave is. I expect the same this time.

by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Oh, I didn't hover over the arrow so now I did and it said it uploaded it but it isn't showing yet, maybe it will show up in a bit. Thanks girls, Debra

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Too bad we can't click on them and see them bigger. I look like Uncle Fester from the old Adams Family TV show in the 60s. Maybe I need to crop in closer. I'll try later.

mranderson by mranderson 25 Jan 2012

Lookin' good girl.

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

Oh boy, now I did one even closer and boy is that a sight, lol! I surely never was considered pretty!

mranderson by mranderson 25 Jan 2012

Remember look are only skin deep.

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

That is true Marg and I have had 2 husbands and several boyfriends between them.

leenova54 by leenova54 25 Jan 2012

I also just posted under personals the pic of where my angels hang now that Christmas is over! Check them out!

by mranderson 25 Jan 2012

Debra, go to the home page, run your curser on the little arrow near your account , it will bring up a list and there is Add/change picture. Hope that is clear. Hugs Marg

by pennifold 24 Jan 2012

Debbie, go to Home page then Your Account and you will find where to change your picture. Love Chris

1 comment
darenluan by darenluan 26 Jan 2012

Thanks for the explanation, finally I uploud my picture.