I needed some time to think about this issue. As I understand, in some cultures levity is used to deal with the emotional, physical and spiritual issues of the area. These can be deep seated issues that others like myself can't empathize with. To that end, I feel I do not have a problem with another language here as long as the text is also in english and it sticks to the community agreement. And of course the discussion is posted in the appropriate area. Live Laugh Download Stitch all over the world!
Actually, aren't we who speak English, also speaking our native language. If we can't understand someone who speaks a language other than English, we can also use a translator, google translate comes to mind.
I accept that for people you really don't speak english but in Southafrica english is the main official language and I'm sure that all of the SA-cuties speak it much better than me.It's a question of courtesy to me...
Maybe so, but we can still translate it if we want to know what is being said. No offense meant.
Ansula just to correct you and then I want to repeat my request of earlier today: for many years Afrikaans was one of two official languages and since 1994 we have 11. Couresy to who else? NOW LETS PUT THIS SUBJECT TO BED.