by bettytaylor 29 Jan 2012

Has anyone tried drying FSL in a food dehydrator? Did it work? Betty


by kharriman 30 Jan 2012

I have large paper clips hanging off my kitchen curtain. I stretch the open end of the clip & hang the FSL on a part of it that will not stretch or distort the lace. Usually dries overnight.

by bettytaylor 30 Jan 2012

Thank you all for being so helpful. When in doubt, ask and I do and it is wonderful being a part of this site, just wish all of you lived in my neighborhood. Betty

by mrskiki 30 Jan 2012

No reason why it shouldn't work. Just don't think it will be much faster than air drying and so a waste of electricity. JMHO. Nan W

1 comment
bettytaylor by bettytaylor 30 Jan 2012

thank you, you are probably right, I like the plastic canvas and baking grids ideas. Betty

by noah 29 Jan 2012

I hang mine by the woodstove all night or i set them untop of the dryer till morning hugs

1 comment
bettytaylor by bettytaylor 30 Jan 2012

Thank you for your suggestion, don't have any hangers on what I was doing and no woodstove. the dryer might work but I keep my laundry soap and softener there on top. Betty

by moyed 29 Jan 2012

I have purchased two oven baking grids/mesh mats from the reject shop here in Tamworth. I dont bake on them but use them for my FSL. I rinse the FSL on the mat and then leave it to dry. No handling till dry. NO sticking. just great. hugs Helen

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bettytaylor by bettytaylor 30 Jan 2012

Great idea too. thanks, Betty

by Simplesewer1 29 Jan 2012

I use two big pices of plastic canvas that I have sewn the ends of three sides together and leave one open to slide the pices in so They dont fall out then I just lay them on a towel they never stick, I have a box of it I have made a couple of them to use incase i have a lot to dry . I also dry them on my ironing board they dont stick to it either . !

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bettytaylor by bettytaylor 30 Jan 2012

This is a great idea, thank you, I do have some of that somewhere in a closet, have to find it for I think that would be what I need. Thank you so much. Betty

by justonlyme 29 Jan 2012

I bet a food dehydrator would work well. You might want to put something in there so it doesn't stick to the racks. My racks have a corrugated look to them.

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bettytaylor by bettytaylor 29 Jan 2012

I have a flexable plastic that covers the corrugated looking shelf and if it sticks, just bend the plastic and it gives. Will try tomorrow. Thanks, Betty

by darmoola 29 Jan 2012

why would you do that? FSL dries pretty fast?

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bettytaylor by bettytaylor 29 Jan 2012

because I have a lot that needs to be dried. more than 20 pieces. I wait until I have a "batch" to rinse and dry. Am I doing it wrong? Betty

by clawton 29 Jan 2012

I think it would try out the thread and make it brittle.

clawton by clawton 29 Jan 2012

need the edit feature! that should be dry not try.

bettytaylor by bettytaylor 29 Jan 2012

I guess that is a possibility, but I do press them with an iron when they dry. what do you dry your FSL on? Betty

by cfidl 29 Jan 2012

Hair dryer is the only way to go! little but of starch here and there and wow! Lookin good!

1 comment
bettytaylor by bettytaylor 29 Jan 2012

Thank you but I have too much for a hair dryer and if I leave it sit on terrycloth towels, they stick when dry and pull threads out of my towels. What do you dry your FSL on? Betty

by shirlener88 29 Jan 2012

I never tried that - why don't you just use your hair dryer - you can control what happens and turn it off - if it looks like it is dried.

You save your food dehydrator for all those great foods you are dehydrating.

bettytaylor by bettytaylor 29 Jan 2012

Always looking for a quick fix. I do not want to ruin them, they take so long to make. Don't mind them curling a bit, they can be pressed. Towels stick to my FSL and thought about my machine sitting there with nothing in it this evening. Betty

shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Jan 2012

Go for it and see how it works - lol.

bettytaylor by bettytaylor 29 Jan 2012

I'd rather wait and see if someone else has tried it first Shirlene. I'm chicken. Don't want to ruin my hard work. Think I will try a small batch and let everyone know how that worked tomorrow. Betty

shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Jan 2012

I still think the hair dryer is the quickest and safest way to go - if you have alot - you just keep them wet - until you are ready to dry them - I dry all my FSL - one at a time - I also use a large flat comb (it is really wide and doesn't have very many teeth - don't think it is a comb - actually) - to hold thing down flat - I don't have to iron anything flat - they are flat - as they dry - if they don't need the comb to keep them that way - all the better.