by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Hope you won't find this corny, but it is for you and truly comes from my heart. Two days before I go into surgery, I am blessed with your special gift of 10,000 beautiful flowers. I am a bit stressed right now and this is just the pick me up I needed today.


I can’t believe it, I am such a fan,
My flower count is now 10,000 grand.
My morning tea I share with you,
As I read and checkout, what you're all up to.

My friends you have taught me more than you
All the while I watch, as my garden grows.
I share my projects, read your comments and views,
I’m really not sure that I have paid my dues.

I’ve laughed so hard, I’ve near pee in my pants,
Then wept with a few, pray your all in god’s hands.
Today you have given me an awesome gift,
And with each flower, my hearts gets a lift.

This site is the best, I cherish each day,
And each of you, more than I can say.
So my cup runneth over, with you kindness my friends,
May this last forever and never end.



by read180 31 Jan 2012

Sorry to hear your surgery was cancelled. This would be a great time for you to embroider something just for you.You deserve it. Hugs
Cindy B

by read180 31 Jan 2012

Sorry to hear your surgery was cancelled. This would be a great time for you to embroider something just for you.You deserve it. Hugs
Cindy B

by auntbaba 31 Jan 2012

Dear Michelle,
Your poem is lovely, and, if I could, I'd give you 10,000 more flowers to brighten your day. I hope and pray the your surgery goes well, and that your recovery is speedy.
Angels' blessings,

by mana 31 Jan 2012

That's lovely. Sending prayers for your surgery & recovery.

by castelyn 31 Jan 2012

Michelle, what a lovely poem.
Thanks for sharing with us all.
You and Meganne will remain in my

Hugs and best wishes for you both.


by michemb 31 Jan 2012

Well great disappointment this morning, surgery has been
cancelled and will have to wait another 6 weeks to be reevaluated. Anyone got tricks for lowering blood pressure, I need any help you can give me,

1 comment
sqdancer by sqdancer 31 Jan 2012

Guess that bunch in the Quebec Medicate System didn't think you were urgent enough Michelle - what a let down when you have yourself all syked up for it .... hang in there kiddo as you say 6 weeks not that long to wait after you have waited almost a year....hugs Glenda x0x0x0

by leenova54 31 Jan 2012

With so many cuties praying for you, everything has to go well. Hope you are up and around quick as can be!
Hugs, Debra

by airyfairy 31 Jan 2012

I think we should be thanking you. Wishing you all the very best for a speedy recovery. Hugs Sarah.

by christracey 31 Jan 2012

That's lovely. Sending prayers for your surgery & recovery.

by snowbird42 31 Jan 2012


by justsew 31 Jan 2012

How lovely, you have so wany wonderful friends sending you love and best wishes, and from me to, I wish you a speedy recovery with love and hope you will soon be back on Cuties.
Thinking of you Hugs Pam.

by rw9340 31 Jan 2012

Here is only flower for you we will all be praying for you

by mranderson 31 Jan 2012

Michelle, you have put into words just how we all feel on this site. Hope all goes well for you. Hugs Marg

by meganne 30 Jan 2012

Lovely poem Michelle.
I hope your surgery goes well too.
It seems you and I will be in recovery together, I have my surgery in five days, so we can lay in bed in our misery and think of each other doing the same. :-)))

Wishing you well girlfriend.
Hugs n blessings, Meganne

michemb by michemb 31 Jan 2012

Well bad news for me this morning, they have cancelled my surgery because my blood pressure has gone wacko in the last month. Looking at waiting another 6 weeks before they evaluate me again,
Will be thinking of you and praying as well
Hugs and a very warm embrace to you Meganne

shirlener88 by shirlener88 31 Jan 2012

On my - I hate to hear that - hard to wait isn't it?

michemb by michemb 31 Jan 2012

I have been waiting since March of last year so this morning after a good cry I decided that 6 more weeks is not the end of the world but just a little ripple in a sea of ups and downs,

meganne by meganne 01 Feb 2012

So sorry to hear your bad news Michelle. Obviously someone knows Cuties couldn't survive with both of us missing. hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

by emily16838 30 Jan 2012

* more for your garden.... You will be in my prayers

by aleene 30 Jan 2012

Thanks for the heartfelt poem! Prayers for you.

by barbara68 30 Jan 2012

Thanks for the poem.

by sqdancer 30 Jan 2012

What a beautiful garden we each collect and cherish - each day we check to see how our garden has grown. All the very best for you Michelle take care Hugs Glenda x0x0x0

by drro 30 Jan 2012

You are gifted with a poetic talent! This is so nice!
I shall be praying for you for good surgery and recovery..God Bless and keep you and guide the doctors' hands!

by noah 30 Jan 2012

Wow you are a poet and don't know it :);) excellent hugs and more flowers Carolyn

by ramona 30 Jan 2012

How awsome! A beautiful poem. Here is another flower for you.

by jrob Moderator 30 Jan 2012

Michelle, that is just the sweetest thing ever! Praying for you and a speedy recovery.

by lilylady 30 Jan 2012

thank you, that is awesome and I wish you the best. And God be with you.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Hey you have a lucky number 4444.
thank you

by shirlener88 30 Jan 2012

Congratulaitons on your 10,000 flowers - I will be praying for you and with you - having you in my thoughts and prayers - until we hear back from you on how everything goes - what a special poem and thank you for sharing it with us. We love you, too.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Another milestone reached for me. Thank you Shirlene and I am sure that with all these prayers and special thoughts, things will ge well,

by dilceia 30 Jan 2012

Dear Michelle, congratulations! you're very kind! Have another.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you dear Dilceia,
Hugs back to you

by lidiad 30 Jan 2012

Love your poem, Michelle! Wish your surgery goes well and a speedy recovery. Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thanks Lidia,
You heard the saying, "she was a poet and didn't know it" well sometimes I just need to put it on paper,

by gigi70alvarran 30 Jan 2012

Thanks for the poem.My best wishes for your surgery and soon recovery GOD Bless you.:):)

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you,
It will be a difficult couple of months to come but hopefully everything will be 150% better later,

by greysewist Moderator 30 Jan 2012

Congratulations on reaching your 10K, Michelle! All the best for your surgery as well. Hope time flies and you're well into recovery in double-quick time.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

10K what a thrill when I saw them this morning, they added up so quickly,
thank you

by moyed 30 Jan 2012

Blessings, Michelle. Hope all goes well for you. hugs Helen

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thanks Helen,
Second time around for this so it NEEDS to go well,

by read180 30 Jan 2012

Michelle, what a beautiful poem. I shall keep you in my thought and prayers as you face surgery. Gods blessings upon you and a speedy recovery. Yes we are all truly blessed with the wonderful and caring people on this site. You are very special. Sending you a warm hug and love. Cindy B.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you Cindy,
Cuties are just the best, friends everywhere,

by shuede 30 Jan 2012

Thanks for sharing your poem. Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery! Denise

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you Denise,

by kttyhwk4 30 Jan 2012

Michelle thank you for the lovely poem. Praying that your surgery goes well and for your speedy recovery.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thanks alot,
with all these prayers and support, it can only go WELL

by grandmamek 30 Jan 2012

Michelle, thank you for sharing this poem with us. You are really quite talented. I hope your surgery goes well. Best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Hugs, Mary

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thanks Mary,
I like writing poetry (as corny as it may be)
and felt so happy to see my 10000 flowers that I needed to say THANK YOU

by chenille 30 Jan 2012

That is lovely! I wish you luck and a speedy recovery!
Prayers and hugs, Nadyne

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thanks you Nadyne,

by edithfarminer 30 Jan 2012

What a lovely poem Michelle. Hope your surgery will go well. Hugs edith

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thanks Edith,
Just needed to express myself and I like to write so there it is, my feelings on paper,

by pennifold 30 Jan 2012

Dear Michelle, you have put into words what I believe every person on here feels.

May you come through this surgery with flying colours as they say and may God guide the surgeons hands and all of those who will be caring for your needs. Please be assured of my prayers way over here in Newcastle, Australia. Love and blessings and health and well being, Chris

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Dear Chris,
Thank you so much and I truly feel everything I wrote, love being here and thank you for the support, will probably be bitting my nails off or losing my mind while this heals
but I need this to get better,

by asterixsew Moderator 30 Jan 2012

Have another flower towards the next milestone and good luck with the surgery

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you,
I think this one will be a lily, LOL

by lulu07 30 Jan 2012

I will pray that everything comes out great..GOD will be with you as well as all the prayers from all the cuties..Please let us know how you are doing after the surgery..wish I could do much more, but distance is a will be in my thoughts my friend and please take care of yourself...GOD bless you and keep your spirits up!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you Lulu,
Will be missing all of you but will keep in touch as much as I can. Will have to learn to operate as a lefty, LOL

by almag 30 Jan 2012

Michelle - this site is like that, isn't it!
Wishing you the very best outcome and swift recovery from your surgery.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

It truly is Alma,
I feel such a connection with so many people on this site even though they are far out of reach.
thanks for the good wishes,

by cfidl 30 Jan 2012

Truely wonderful poem, and now you are published! There is a poet society and I believe you could be a member. Thank you for being a part of cute! You have inspired and encouraged me, so you do everything to get well! I am praying for your successful surgery! christine

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you dear Christine,
Once surgery is over, I will have to work hard on behaving myself, absolutely no use of my right arm for 6-7 weeks. That is going to be extremely hard for me but necessary if I want full recovery. I need both my arms to embroider so I will be good.

by bumblebee 30 Jan 2012

Lovely poem. I pray that everthing goes smoothly.
Be back soon
Linda aka Bumblebee

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thanks Linda,
I pray as well,

by crafter2243 Moderator 30 Jan 2012

Oh what a sweet poem. Prayers will be with you and I am looking forward to hear that you are healing well.
One more flower for you. Hugs Angie

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you,
my garden continues to grow,

by catsnhorses 30 Jan 2012

What a warm and endearing letter, Michelle! Know that your Cute friends care about you and will pray for your fast recovery. Please post a note as soon as you can to let us know how you're doing.

Here's an angel to watch over you.
In friendship
Marion in KY

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

I love angels and this one is beautiful,
will post as soon as I can. Surgery is on Thursday,

by theduchess 30 Jan 2012

My prayers and hugs are with you.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you,
I will miss being on here as often as I am now,

by susiesembroidery 30 Jan 2012

Thank you, dear Michelle for the lovely poem you wrote to us all. God's richest blessings and His caring Hand will go with you in theatre. All will go well and soon we will chat again. All the best. Love and hugs. Lots of flowers and kisses.*****

1 comment
michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you,
I trust in him and look forward to the next chapter (retirement) LOL

by starlizard 30 Jan 2012

Michelle... You are such a jewel of a person and I'm proud to know you even if only a tiny little bit. Good luck with your surgery. I have you in my thoughts and prayers.


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michemb by michemb 30 Jan 2012

Thank you Liz,
just realized this week that we are fellow canadians, so neat to have a friend near. Praying that this surgery fixes everything (2nd time on this arm) and that I can get back to normal.