I think everything I own that runs has a name from the weedwhacker on down, some of them nice, some not so nice depends on how well they perform 4 me LOL but my ellegante she is truly a lady of finest quality *4U minnie
My machine likes lots of attention...so I'm going to have to think about this, too :)
that would be "the" Libster to you Miss Minni. LOL. That was my nickname in the Army Reserves. I am going to call mine Miss Minni now, in honour of your ongoing humour. Flowers for you. It also highlights the mini features and price in comparison to your wonderful 11000. By the way, did you put me in your will, just in case, well, you know, you would hate to see your machine not go to a good and loving home.
maybe I should leave it to you as my baby girl (21) wouldn't know how to turn it on. the ones I bought her live in a cupboard
Time to clean out your daughters cupboards, Minni, will bring my broom and give you a hand.
Hmmm, minnie - will have to give this some thought!! *4U in the meanwhile.
I did not tought to give a name to my machine, but it seems me to be a good idea, i have to find a suitable name, because she is very accomodating and makes few mistakes, she wants only often new needles
interesting question... my hubby always finds it very amusing when he hears me talking to my Vicky(when I'm in affectionate mood) or Vikinga (on normal days) ok I admit it, thats not the most oringinal name for a husqvarna viking designer 1 but most of my appliances get names derived from their brand name (yes I'm as pathetic as giving names to almost if not all appliances and am known to talk to them) I guess I'm a bit of a mental case lol.... in dire need of a pet actually but hubby won't listen :-(
you can come to the nut house with us we will look after you and I am taking my dog so I will share her with you she likes lots of puppy pats
No name yet, but a good idea. Have to think about that for awhile. Name has to match the personality! Right now it is a female and behaving beautifully. I have gone several weeks with out a problem. Guess I better find some wood to knock on to keep up the good luck.
As I read Teri's note I smiled for I thought mine was the only one that didn't behave and that is when she goes and sits in the corner for a while.lol
I threaten mine that I'd throw her out of our third floor apartment window when she doesn't obey......... works wonders, I think she's afraid of heights actually.
My machine holds many different names... depends on whether it's behaving or not. ;-) lol