by joaniessw 11 May 2008

Shirlene, Congratulations on 11000 flowers. WOW, what a bouquet. Hope no one posted this yet, if they did, you deserve a 2nd posting. *4U ><>


by joaniessw 17 May 2008

Well, 6 days later, I change it to CONGRATULATIONS on ""12000"" flowers now ;) You go girl Another *4U ><>

by shirlener88 17 May 2008

joanie, I didn't see this 6 days ago - I just thought it went unnoticed - I should have known that it didn't - Hehehe! *4U all.

by clawton 11 May 2008

WOW is the word! CONGRATULATIONS. Your flowers are growing by leaps and bounds!

by loish 11 May 2008

Wow, indeed. Many. many congratulations. You are one of the extra special people in this group of very special people.

by iris2006 11 May 2008

Whow shirlener, congratulations, you must have a hurting back, carrieng this bouquet, but you deserved every flower of this large bouquet.