The owner of this web site is in the hospital and has had surgery a day or so ago. This may be part of the problem.
relax take a deep breath, and this to shall pass. Give her a chance she'll make everything ok.
See the answer in your other post. In addition to that answer that covers the present. She moved her residence and business the first part of February but the new place had to heat so she had to stay with friends until it could get fixed and I'm sure she may have gotten a little behind in taking care of things and then the surgery. She will make it right, just give her time. The site is her only source of income so I'm sure she doesn't want to get a bad rap on matters that are out of her control at this time.
What about Misty Mountain embroidery?
I have purchased several things without difficulty. Have you tried to contact the website owners?
Why did you not put this directly under your first post? It's about the same topic...
Cant't help you wiuth MistyMountain. This is one site I never ordered until now ;o)
Greetings, Bettina
I've ordered at the end of January and the designs were an instant download. Had no problem.