by mad14kt 20 Feb 2012

2-20-2012 * Hello Cuties, does anyone know what tablet pc's are suppose to do? I tried to download some designs and I could not. Does it support these files? I also didn't find anything sewing related to download (apps). As you can see I L*VE my hobby and try to accommodate it at ALL TIMES, LOL TIA


by sewmom 20 Feb 2012

I don't know about the tablets. I have an iphone and I downloaded the app for the Dolphin browser. That browser will download embroidery files that I can transfer to my computer. I believe it would work for the ipad too.

mad14kt by mad14kt 20 Feb 2012

Thanks SM ;D *2U

deirdre by deirdre 27 Jul 2012

Thanks so much sewmom, i searched high and low for something to download my 'dailies' onto my ipad, should have known i must first come to the cuties who always has the answers! Got an ipad for my birthday but was getting worried cause i couldnt download any designs, until i found this browswer. Thanks!

by justonlyme 20 Feb 2012

Tablet PCs are like any other kind. They just have a different configuration. Just like your other PCs, you have to set up a spot to save your files and then be able to retrieve them. Is your PC the cell phone type? If so, you may have to download Flash and a few other programs that will allow you to view some pages with images. I have an HTC smart phone, which will allow me to do lots of things, but so far, it doesn't have Flash capability. Once it does, then I can download on the go. Till then, I tote along my netbook. If you try to download and it won't work, look at the error message and see what you might be missing. Good luck!!

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mad14kt by mad14kt 20 Feb 2012

Thanks for sharing...I too keep my netbook near ;D *2U

by bowlds 20 Feb 2012

I have an HP Tablet. I downloaded some designs on it once while on a trip and couldn't figure out how to see or retrieve them. Turns out the files were there, I just had to connect the tablet to my pc to find them and move them to my computer. You have to kind of think of the tablet as a usb stick, plug it in to the computer and you'll see what you've downloaded. I don't know if there is an app that will let you view them on the tablet, but it certainly should let you download them and move them to your computer.

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mad14kt by mad14kt 20 Feb 2012

Thanks for sharing. The tablet I had didn't. I hope my dh gets me one ;D *2U

by marcellelewis 20 Feb 2012

I looked at an ipad at the AT&T store last month. The only thing I could see it would be useful for was checking email while away from my pc's. You could also surf the web. They wanted $800 for the ipad plus an extra $25 per month on my already high phone, internet & cell bill. That was supposed to allow me to connect anywhere my cell phone could be used not just in wifi hot spots. I just could not see it for no more than it could do. I think ipads must have been created for people who stay on facebook, twitter, and text each other more than for anything else. It just seems like way too much money for something that does so little.

I have a laptop but it is a little heavy but I can still do everything with it away from home. If I were going to buy something new now I would look at one of the very small lightweight laptops just so it would be easy for carrying around but would still do a lot of things.


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mad14kt by mad14kt 20 Feb 2012

Thanks Marcelle. I have a netbook that I carry from time to time. I really wanted a tablet for my hobby. I am hoping by the time I get one it will have all the bells and whistles ;D *2U

by pldc 20 Feb 2012

I am the same as Martine, mine doesn't recognize them either, good luck though

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mad14kt by mad14kt 20 Feb 2012

Thanks for sharing ;D *2U

by mops Moderator 20 Feb 2012

I can only speak for an iPad. That has no apps that are embroidery related and I can't download embroidery designs as it does not recognize the format. So when visiting my children I have to take my laptop with me or an usb-stick and use their computers - and get lots of comments about my addiction. :)

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mad14kt by mad14kt 20 Feb 2012

Thanks for sharing. I hate when I go to my dad for vacation and the first thing he wants to make sure that he can still check his e-mail when I use his computer ;D *2U