by mjdg 01 Mar 2012

Private message question.

I have a message in my private messages --- and the answers and replies are there from everyone plus their comments.
Can I delete that?
Every time I come on it says I have a private message... and it is the same bunch of messages.
Today I got a message from Jan... and it said I had 2 private messages....and the second one was that same one with everyone on it.


by gerryvb 01 Mar 2012

the private message is indeed between poster and receiver. But if this post is send to many other receivers in the same time. Every time someones adds a reply it will be seen by all others who received this p.m post too. and it will show for you , you have a p.m. again.

1 comment
mjdg by mjdg 01 Mar 2012

OH... OK Thanks for explaining.

by mjdg 01 Mar 2012

I just went back and looked again and it has 81 replies on it and none of them mine.

I thought the only ones that could be on my private message site was me and whoever I sent a message to or whoever sent me a private message???????