by mysew1325 01 Mar 2012

Here is a great read ..The boy you punched in the hall today. Committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today. She's a virgin. The boy you called lame. He has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day. She's already being abused at home. That girl you called fat. She's starving herself. The old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars. He fough for our country. The boy you made fun of for crying. His mother is dying. You think you know them. Guess what? You don't! Re-post if you are against bullying bet 99% of you won't, but repost this if you're that 1% with a heart


by cfidl 05 Mar 2012

Not a great read! I do not think any of this conversation belongs on Cute! And I am against bullying and the fact that you state "IF" blah blah is offensive to me! This forum is not a soap box , find somewhere else!

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 05 Mar 2012

I used the wrong word. I do not know the word, not offensive - really bugged, I guess I am too old and know that we are so similar, but thank God for the differences!

by tilde01 04 Mar 2012

Thank you for posting this. Reading some of the replies on here has brought tears to my eyes. We've had bullying as long as man has been civilized, we are just more aware of it today, then in the past. Bullying does need to be stopped where ever and when ever it happens. We are all responsible for doing our part to stop bullying. Hugs to all.

by mary51 03 Mar 2012

Excellent Thank you!!!

by mumzyfarm 03 Mar 2012

I posted this on my face book and didn't get one response, I wonder why.

by susiesembroidery 02 Mar 2012

This is so true. Very often the abused are already at peril. Never say never. You would not know how it feels until it has happened to you. So much goes on nowadays that remains untold.

by airyfairy 02 Mar 2012

Sorry to post again but I think Shirlene has got it right. I agree - family values have gone down the drain. These days both parents usually have to work to make ends meet so the children just seem to do as they want. When I was young my mother had to work as my father had left us. I was always so envious of my friends having their mothers at home.

by airyfairy 02 Mar 2012

This was a difficult read. I think every country around the world is dealing with a huge problem of bullying. I have had long chats with my teenage grandsons and have told them that they would be just as guilty if they did not report what was going on if they were aware of bullying. Peer pressure is too terrible in this day and age. Thank you for this post - makes you think. Sarah.

by mumzyfarm 02 Mar 2012

Thank you for posting this one never knows what is going on in another person's life. Hugs Mumzyfarm

by grandmamek 02 Mar 2012

The bullying needs to cease. It was unheard of years ago. But as Karen has said, we took God out of the schools and now is effecting the home life. Parents need to take more responsibility for raising their children instead of letting them do as they please.

by 02kar Moderator 02 Mar 2012

We took God out of our schools and are in the process of removing Him from our homes. Without God, we have no morals or ethics, no rules, no compassion. It is so very sad.

by sadp 02 Mar 2012

So sad, so sad...

by christracey 02 Mar 2012

No one should judge another as we all have our own problems in one way or another....

by shirlener88 01 Mar 2012

Kathy, it is a shame what has happened to our youth - with the lack of family values, caring or empathy for others - non of this would have happened or even been tolerated when we were young - why is it going on now?