With my Janome 300e I use a Sandisk CompactFlash PC Card Adaptor which goes into the embroidery machine, and a 64mb SD card - the limit of number of designs is 100 no matter what the size of the card so buy a small mb card if you can (I purchased mine on ebay some time ago). I use a SanDisk CF reader to transfer designs to the card through Janome software. So far(!!) I have had no problems.
Make sure it's a TypeII adaptor-I have had mine a long time but I have since bought an extra shoot & store card-I now have a 32MB & 64MB card-lots room. Amazon has the adaptor for $12.95-Delkin Devices-Good luck ~linda~
I would See if the ebay seller accepts returns. Then you have the peace knowing if it doesnt work you can return it. Hope this helps. *