What a work of art. You are probably not a doctor, but you sure have a lot of patients. ;)
Great job!
This is pretty neat but my eyes would be permanently crossed!
The whole puzzle looks daunting to me. My grandmother used to try and get me involved in puzzles (long before TV) and I hated them. I just do not have the patience. Well done DeVon. Hugs Sarah
Oh DeVon - this is amazing! How fun and I bet the colors were really confusing. I'd be drooling over all the candy. Just looking at it would raise my blood sugars!
DeVon, I have done many puzzles, this one looks like a ton of fun !!! Jo
Neat puzzle. I've done some on line and they are fun but this one you can frame.
On wow! It would send me cross-eyed doing it. Great work!
OMG, DeVon, I would be cross-eyed after this...it is gorgeous!! Are you going to glue it and frame it? Vicki
i love puzzles to but haven't done any in awhile,my Dad loved them so he [passed his love of puzzles to me .Yours is great how many pieces??Looks like a thousand ??hugs Carolyn
WWWWOOOOWWWW CONGRATULATION so many pieces you are going to frame looks great .Maria