by fannyfurkin 10 Mar 2012

Prayer request. I have been struggling with quitting smoking for years, I get to about 20 hours and I have a meltdown, I can't think, I feel angry and very confused. Tomorrow I am quitting but I can't do it alone, I need Gods help and I am asking for your prayers.



by gjemptynester 27 Mar 2012

You go, girl! You're a Cutie! Cuties can do anything!

by mary51 27 Mar 2012

G, ood for you!!! Ask God for strenght, I have never smoke, well i did, you know, teenager thing, and i remember how awful i felt and the way my hands smelled, It was such a bad experience, Thank to God, I did not try again. My DH was a heavy smoker and now he is with the LOrd becuase of smoking, please we want you here for a very long time.

by ssampsel 27 Mar 2012

it took me a few times quitting to really quit, once i quit for 2 months & started back again. BUT when i really decided it was time, i set a date (on a saturday) & smoked my brains out on friday (until i was sick), left my cigs at work in my desk drawer & didn't tell anyone. a few weeks later some of the guys at work finally noticed (it took longer for the ones at home to catch on) & that was 20 years ago. good luck & keep those hands busy.

by sewdoctor 26 Mar 2012

Alice, I quit 25 years ago... how, I stopped lighting them....I know how smarmy that sounds..but it is the truth. I was sad to the point that I felt like my best friend had died. There were times I actually cried. But I wouldn't give in...I KNEW if I did the ciggarettes won, and I lost. It isn't easy, in fact the hardest thing I have ever done. But hang in there it is worth it. You will feel better. DON'T GIVE IN!

by fannyfurkin 25 Mar 2012

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I have decided to try the champix again, I am hoping that it does not mess my head up to much. I started it on Saturday.

asterixsew by asterixsew 25 Mar 2012

Congratulations on your achievements

drro by drro 25 Mar 2012

Yea! Praying for you now!!

greysewist by greysewist 26 Mar 2012

Good on you Alice, I've been checking back here for a new report :) You can do it! If Meganne's story isn't enough to get you to persist then it's a worry! Look at all the amazing things you've achieved in the past. You know you can.

by meganne 25 Mar 2012

Alice, I rarely come to Personals, but something drew me here today, a little late but then maybe not.
Ray and I both managed to quit smoking over five years ago. I had suffered double pneumonia 3 years earlier and had quit (again) but Ray was still smoking. Then he got double pneumonia and HAD to quit because the doctor said he also had Emphysema starting. About three weeks later I managed to quit.
I had been smoking from around age 10 (and used to sneak the odd cigarette way before then)

Just imagine if I hadn't FINALLY managed to quit when I did.
I have had 10 surgeries since December 2008, one of which was over four hours and the double mastectomy took over seven hours.
If I had still been smoking I probably would have died on the table during one of the surgeries. As it was they had to put in a Central line into my jugular during the last one and I nearly choked to death afterwards in ICU.

All I can say is quit while you are ahead because you don't know what is around the corner for you.

I am so grateful I am still alive to see all my grandchildren, my best girlfriend of 50+ years wasn't so lucky, she died a week before her Son's daughter was born, age 54. Lung Cancer.
My other girlfriend of over 20 years never got to see any of her four daughters' children, she died age 48, also from lung cancer.

If this isn't enough to convince you to quit then just let me tell you how difficult it is to breathe when you have the start of Emphysema, when I lean over to make the bed, I lose my breath, when I walk up the stairs I have to stop several times to catch my breath, I can no longer swim because I get winded too easily. And on a more personal note, if we should both be able to breathe long enough for me to climax, I nearly pass out because I can't breathe.

Now I tell everyone what the doctors don't tell you: if you should still be having sex when you get older, (and lets face it humans still do it until they're a ripe old age) you'll be lucky if you don't lose your breath long before you manage to complete the act.

If that isn't enough to make any healthy red blooded female or male want to quit smoking, then you need your head read! LOL!!!

Quit Woman, just do it!!!

1 comment
sewdoctor by sewdoctor 26 Mar 2012


by kitty2011 17 Mar 2012

I really hope you find the strength to do this.
I finally gave up 17 years ago, after trying many times.
I gave up cold turkey after deciding I didn't want to be a smoker... old ladies smoking don't look at all attractive !!! my trick was, each time I felt like one I would say to mayself.. "why do you want one... you're not a smoker anymore" amazingly that worked for me. good luck x

by kalinelson 16 Mar 2012

I'm glad I decided to check here today...I quit smoking so many times that I lost count...but on Nov. 6, 2001 I finally quit cold turkey....I wish I could say it was easy but it wasn't....I would pray before I got out of bed and through out the day, I had alot of tears....I was reading a book by Billy Gramh (wrong spelling) on the Holy Spirit and realize the power that was within me it was life changing and helped took a year before the urge was completely gone....quiting was the hardest thing I have ever done but I'm so glad I made it, I sure could not afford to smoke now....I will be praying for you knowing that God will get you through.....should you have a relaspe just start over God is always there for you.....Gods blessings and strength for you.

by theduchess 16 Mar 2012

Alice, My Mama smoked for years but when she would visit me she had to smoke outside. She also worked in a cigar factory for a long time.We all tried to tell her for years how ugly, smelly how bad it was,to no avil.She always went to church and one Sunday the preacher 's sermon included the evils of smoking. "Think of it as kissing the devils lips", he said.
mama walked out of church and NEVER again touched a cigarette.I gave her a huge reward with the condition all the money was to be spent on herself alone. No bills etc.She was so happy had her hair done and she bought some new shoes.
maybe you just need a little "devil" probing??

by ddydeb 16 Mar 2012

Deven prayes going out for you!
Lord I knwo you have been there for all of us as we struggled trhough this addiction,please help Deven as she stops smoking and lets her body heal.

by greysewist Moderator 15 Mar 2012

I like the current ad campaign that says 'Each time you try to quit you get better at it'. You will too, Alice. I have every confidence in you. Those kids who are giving you grief have most likely been getting their way much too often. Time to stop that as well. We need to bring them up as independent, responsible adults, not ones who always lean on others. Tough when you are the mum though :(
How are you going today on your quit campaign? looking forward to hearing of your success.

by mary51 15 Mar 2012

Alice, how are you doing???

by mariahail 15 Mar 2012

My father smoked for so many years, cuban cigars, as we are cubans, he smoked a whole box a day, 24 of those enormous things, he quitted from one day to the next, praying every time he need it to smoke, I am having the same problem trying to stop eating sugar as that is my addiction (other than embroidery designs)...I will keep you in my prayers. You are loved!!!!

by leighk 15 Mar 2012

I smoked for years and knew I could not stop without help. I went to an hypnotist, walked out thinking it was a wast of money, and have not smoked for years. If you go this route, just check out the person or company offering the service. My thinking was - I want to quit because a)it is bad for my health, b)I cough all the time, c)I can't go 30 minutes without a cigarette, d)my family is concerned about my health, e)my clothes reek of smoke, etc. The problem was that I really loved to smoke. I found that after hypnosis, I might WANT a cigarette, but I did not NEED it. I did not have withdrawal symptoms either. I hope this helps.

by drro 13 Mar 2012

Praying for you to have strength for the journey, courage for the commitment, patience for the endurance, clear thoughts for daily work, and a bright outlook for each day. May the Lord's Light which is ever around you, be evident and visible even when you can't see the sunshine. God is always there! God bless! hugs and Blessings, ro

by parkermom 13 Mar 2012

my mother-in-law quit smoking after starting at age 14 and smoking for 57 years. She had tried several times before, but family problems (isn't there always, in every family) weakened her resolve until this last time. She did it, and we're so proud of her. SHe's been smoke free for almost 10 years now.

by momabear 13 Mar 2012

A prayer for those trying to stop smoking. I have been stopped smoking for four months now. I still find myself wanting to smoke. But with GOD ,I go day by day without one. A person has to pray and leave it in GOD'S hands.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 13 Mar 2012

Wow! That is great! Super news for you!

by hightechgrammy 13 Mar 2012

My diabetes client who smoked for 37 years used Chantix and truly quit without much of a problem. It was amazing. Is that available in Australia?

1 comment
fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 13 Mar 2012

Yes it is but it has a bad effect on my mental state, I can't use patches either because I am allergic to sticky stuff. So cold turkey for me. I just need to try again when the extraneous dramas stop.

by fannyfurkin 13 Mar 2012

Unfortunately due to the high drama unexpectedly thrust upon me by my family I was not successful at this time.
I have just realised I wrote that like an employment rejection letter. Which is really cool. when I was trying to get a promotion at work I kept getting this response, but I just kept trying till I got to where I wanted to be. So this mission will be the same.

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Mar 2012

Don't give up, took me several times of trying before I managed it! Very stressful!

by bevgrift 12 Mar 2012

My Prayers for you!
Huge Hugs Bev

by hightechgrammy 12 Mar 2012

Alice, how did you do today? I made it one whole day without a diet cola, and then without even thinking about it, I ordered one at McD's. As soon as I had that first sip, I thought, OH Shoot! I wonder if Alice is just automatically thinking about smoking. I fell off the wagon, I'm going to try again tomorrow. It is a real addiction for me. I will keep trying, and hope you will too. Love and hugs, Jan

1 comment
greysewist by greysewist 15 Mar 2012

That would be another great thing to give up. Well done on your effort Jan. I hope you make it all the way. I'm sure you'll be much better for it.

by lindalee757 12 Mar 2012

You can do it sweetie! As long as you have made up your mind that YOU want to quit the nasty, smelly,expensive unhealthy(lol-is that enough negative for you?)for YOU-not because everyone tells you have to-I know- my husband & I quit together 13 yrs ago and never looked back-I was a HEAVY smoker too-up to 2 packs a day of menthol light 100's for almost 27yrs. When we quit the aid was Zyban-it worked for us-I actually had to lower the dose for myself because I had a low drug tolerance-whereas Jim did the full dose.(our primary care Dr's recommendation). Best thing we ever did for ourselves, each other and our girls. So chin up lady--YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Huggs hon~linda~

lindalee757 by lindalee757 12 Mar 2012

OH-I forgot to mention-when I quit-I joined a group on Yahoo chat-it was called Kick-Butt-we had a great bunch of "quitters" that were so supportive-it was great when I was smoke-free for 6 months and was able to reach out a hand to help a newbie going thru the heebie jeebies =O)

lindalee757 by lindalee757 12 Mar 2012

thru nicotine heebie jeebie withdrawals-it's a nasty mind controlling beast.

by fannyfurkin 12 Mar 2012

A couple of years ago I had both of my adult sons come live with me and lent them a lot of money to buy cars. They started getting threatening to my husband so we had to ask them to leave. They moved out and immediately started make threats and abusing me. Accusing me of abandoning them as children (long story) even though they had lived with us for more than a year and borrowed thousands of dollars from us and been given much more on the side.
All of a sudden they were bring up stuff from 16 years ago, stuff that was very painful at the time and is even more painful to have thrown in my face now. A couple of weeks ago my daughter who has been given everything from interest free loans to clothes dryers and fridges etc.. over the years text my husband asking to borrow money so that her husband could have some spending money for a holiday in New Zealand.
I have not met a single person who thinks it is ok to borrow money for a holiday, but the denial of this request has resulted in her accusing me of being a bad grandmother, breaking promises and blocking me on facebook. I guess I should have known at the tender age of 16 years that if you have children with a complete trailer trash loser then the chances are that this is the exact thing you will produce.
So today I decided to quit smoking and out of the blue my son Michael decides that this would be a good day to out of the blue start sending abusive text messages to me. I have not spoken to him since his birthday on the 4th of February, I called him to wish him a happy birthday and it was a pleasant call. What did I do to deserve this?

coachmenlemon by coachmenlemon 12 Mar 2012

I am so sorry you are having all these problems. They make quitting smoking so much harder. Don't be hard on your self. If quitting doesn't happen now, we can keep trying until we do quit. Norma

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 12 Mar 2012

Alice, You DON"T deserve this at all. You were probably too understanding before, but now you are stronger. Now you are going to help them be stronger. Hold your head high, and Know that you are a great person. You are not a bank. There are banks for loans. You are a great person. Hang in there, Lady, we will be here for you. Love and hugs, Jan

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 12 Mar 2012

loans and you are not a bank. Grown up kids try this garbage all over the world. It's time for them to grow up. You aren't the problem. Hang in there dear friend, and know you are a great person. There is nothing wrong with you. Hugs, Jan

by basketkase 11 Mar 2012

Dear Alice......I am wishing you the best of luck, my dear!! Please let us know how you are doing... I wish the most success for one of the hardest addictions to kick...Vicki

by ramona 11 Mar 2012

I do hope you accomplish your goal. Some really struggle with quitting and some can lay them down and walk away. I hope you are the latter. I understand from some friends who stopped smoking that things smell and taste much better after stopping. The most important thing is that you can BREATHE better!!! Not to mention your overall health. I wish you the best of luck and will send up prayers for you.

by capoodle 11 Mar 2012

This time I know you can do it. The only problem is if you have to be around others that smoke and then it becomes more difficult to stop. Good Luck.

by mary51 11 Mar 2012

Alice you could make it, think of your health, Smoking can kill you, and I know first hand,my DH was a heavy smoker but he did not want to quit, he always said his lungs were clear, and strange as it sounds they were, but it was it his stomach I read not only lungs but your stomach and pancrea suffer from smoking, so please stop go to a Dr. to give you some medication to help you quit.

by marcellelewis 11 Mar 2012

I hope you are still smoke free today. My husband quilt 'cold turkey' several years ago. You will be so much healthier. Keep your hands busy and sugar free gum also helped him. When you feel like you can't stand it any longer just go do something physical for awhile.

I haven't ever smoked but I know from helping my husband through quitting that it can be very difficult. Ask your husband to help you get through it. His encouragement and patience will go a long way.

Please keep us posted about your progress. Send me a PM if you need to vent!!


by thecraftycritter 11 Mar 2012

Wishing you all the luck in the world on this endeavor. July 12,2010 I quit after 51 years of smoking. Used a Nicotine patch that you apply once a day for the first two weeks and then nothing. Try to be flexible about your schedule, every time you feel the need to smoke go do something else. Your life gets a little scattered with everything half done, but it worked for me. Not saying I don't think about it often, but just remind myself of all the reasons I wanted to quit.

by jrob Moderator 11 Mar 2012

I didn't get to see this yesterday, but I hope today that you are still smoke free. Learn to knit or crochet or cut out paperdolls or ANYTHING that keeps your hands constantly busy. Chew gum, eat hard candy or when it gets too big go where you never smoked- I took lots of showers! Praying for your success.;)

by anangel 11 Mar 2012

You can do it, Alice!! My exhusband tried cutting back one cigarette a day, until he was no longer smoking, but that DOES not work. When one gets antsy or frustrated, you lose count and are back to square one! He finally quit cold turkey, was irritable for a few months, but did not pick up another one; that was 40 years ago. He said the first year, he wanted one badly, the second year a bit less, then after the third year, could not stand to smell them. Good luck!

by airyfairy 11 Mar 2012

Having been a very heavy smoker myself, I know that the task ahead is not easy. Just remember one day at a time. In a way I was lucky - I had a DVT and had to give up. I wish you success Alice. Hugs Sarah.

by sadp 11 Mar 2012

With Him all things are possible, take it day for day and you WILL see results. am praying for all you Cuties that have made this decision, hugs S*

by terriweistra 11 Mar 2012

Oh my goodness, good luck Alice. I will hold thumbs for you. I also would like to stop smoking so will keep watching this space and give you all the support I can.

by leenova54 11 Mar 2012

You can do it Alice! After over 20 years I quit (for about the 5th time) almost 18 years ago. I was mean and angry but determined to give up that nasty habit and I am so glad I did it. It is a matter of wanting to quit for YOU, you can't do it for someone else, it has to be for YOU! I did it, so can you!

by hightechgrammy 11 Mar 2012

Alice, I will pray for you throughout the day today, tomorrow and every day after that. Just let me know when you are smoke free and on your own!!
You CAN do this! Just wait till you start smelling things again! God Bless you, He will make it possible! hugs, Jan

by cfidl 11 Mar 2012

If you do it... I will do it. I would like to hear your progress and methods, so please quit... I need hope that I could do it. christine

1 comment
greysewist by greysewist 15 Mar 2012

You do so many things so well. This is another you *can* achieve. Looking forward to hearing good news from you too!

by gerryb 11 Mar 2012

Hold on, Alice! You can do it!! Praying right now that you will have an easier time tomorrow!!

by emily16838 10 Mar 2012

One day or one hour at a time .... kept up the good work.... Hard to do but you can do it.

by mysew1325 10 Mar 2012

you can do this... I will pray for you..

by grandmamek 10 Mar 2012

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know from personal experience that this is difficult. I have been smoke free for 10 years now. Chew gum, keep your hands busy. I know you can do this. Hugs, Mary

by coachmenlemon 10 Mar 2012

Today is my first day of trying to quit. I understand the anger. I don't really want to quit but everyone says I should. I am 72 so what difference does it make if I quit. On the other hand I am tired of the smelly, dirty, expensive habit. Please say a prayer for me to. Good luck Alice.

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 10 Mar 2012

OK coachmenlemon, we will do it together.

emily16838 by emily16838 10 Mar 2012

You luck I'm rooting for you both

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 11 Mar 2012

Is this the Cuties Quitting Club now? LOL How about if I also give up Diet Pepsi? It's not good for us either.

mary51 by mary51 11 Mar 2012

Will power and Gods help for both of you.

anangel by anangel 11 Mar 2012

72 is not so old; and it does make a difference. Stopping now can add years to your life, and if you don't the ailments that finally befall you may be very debilitating, as well as, painful, when gasping to breathe. Good luck, and may the Lord give you strength to quit!

coachmenlemon by coachmenlemon 12 Mar 2012

Thank you all for the support. I am trying to stay busy and stay away from smokers, at least for now. Cigarettes have always been my crutch in stressful situations and we have a lot of stress now but I decided I can't keep putting off quitting. It helps that I never smoked in the house so now I can stay inside and clean. Norma

coachmenlemon by coachmenlemon 12 Mar 2012

that I never smoked in the house so now I can stay inside and clean.

lindalee757 by lindalee757 12 Mar 2012

good luck to you too Norma-if you really want to quit-you WILL succeed-the biggest thing is your own will power-and HEY-72 is not old!! huggs to you ~linda~

by devon 10 Mar 2012

We are here for you. You can and will do this. Sending big hug and prayers your way. DeVon

1 comment
greysewist by greysewist 15 Mar 2012

Great Pic. Alice could do with printing that and putting it where the 'evil sticks' are :)