Cats have an uncanny way of finding their way home eventually all by themselves... I do hope Azreal finds home very soon. hugs kitty x
Dear Lesley, I do pray that your beloved Azreal will come home to his loving family. Cats have a tendency to go walkabout! Our cat got locked inside the back door neighbours house when they went on holiday and we couldn't find her. We kept calling her and eventually we heard her mewing! Finding her was wonderful, don't give up hope. Love and blessings Chris
What made Azreal run away in the first place? I've been away and haven't had a chance to sit down and read very many posts. Is he/she a cat? Think about what you might do with him or her on a regular basis outdoors. Food? A particular place to lay? Leave something out that shows that you still want your baby to come home. And do not give up hope. Unless you have absolute proof that Azreal cannot or will not come home, then hang in here and be persistent. Even opening a can of food outside or bringing the food bag outside to serve up a meal might work. It doesn't even have to be cat/dog food. It could be a can of soup or a bag of cereal. Just a familiar sound; perhaps a familiar smell.
Hang in there. Your baby WANTS to come home. He/she just needs to cross the fear barrier to get there. I wish you and Azreal the very best!!
Lesley, I listed my cat Graycie, in the paper when she was lots of calls through that. When she was found 6 weeks later, she was only 5 houses away, we believe she was hiding under a deck and even though she heard us calling she did not come to us, she was so traumatized by being outside, but it sounds like Azreal is used to being outside, however something may have frightened him into a hiding keep looking!! Don't give up...Vicki
Did you google finding a lost cat? There are heaps of articles and helpful advice. Don't lose hope, cats do this sort of thing. Even if they have never done it before they can just decide to go on a long adventure. We had one go missing for 3 days, Vicki's was missing for weeks and I have a friend who found her lost cat after 3 months.
Azreal, come home safe to the one that loves you. Love and hugs. Prayers to St Gertrude. Christine Johannesburg
You are making me worry that Azreal has been kidnapped...oh I pray this is not so. Must just have faith that he is safe. We're all praying for you. And him.
Oh, dear! I pray that Azreal comes home real soon.****
Lesley, don't give up hope. We are still praying. He may be having the time of his life, but he is making your life miserable!