by mary51 15 Mar 2012

I feel selfish asking for prayer, but I do not know what to do, i think God does not listen to me, I am so tired of this loliness, I am so tired of problems coming and coming, nothing good has happened since my DH left this world, I am alone secluded in an area where I do not see a human being for weeks, There are no group supports or a therapist, this retirement paradise as become a nightmare.


by gerryvb 20 Mar 2012

dear Mary, hope you can get some support here on Cute.And you feel the love and friendship between Cuties. Perhaps you can ask if ther's another Cutie in your area?Anyhow: prayers for you my dear. hugs, Gerry

by cj2sew 20 Mar 2012

You live in a beautiful part of the world. There is a reason you and your husband chose to go there. Now go and do some of the things you and your wonderful husband would do if he were still with you. I'm sure there are places there you wanted to visit together. Find a way to create a memorial to him.
The cuties below have given you wonderful advice. You must live for him and yourself. Make him important to the world. His memory will continue through what you do. God Bless you.

1 comment
mary51 by mary51 20 Mar 2012

This is in deed a beautiful place A Paradisee he used to call it! but a paradise without him is not a paradise anymore. Thank you

by drro 20 Mar 2012

You are not alone, & God listens to all of His children, & He will never leave them alone. Sometimes we do not hear Him because we are so consumed with what we are going through or only hear our own thoughts. You will find God in His word...and you will see that He always listens...His word is always with us in the holy scripture....and He has given us the great comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will also speak to you when you study the Word. Try to get into the Bible a bit more & you will not feel alone. Read Ephesians. Paul was in jail at the time when he wrote these letters & he had been through some of the worst--most unspeakable hardships of his life. Even so, the message he passed on to his fellow believers at that time is still an uplifting message today. It is referred to as the Mount Everest of the Bible, because it is so uplifting! Climb Everest, i.e., read Ephesians &find comfort! God Bless & I am praying for you right now! & will keep doing so!

mary51 by mary51 20 Mar 2012

Thank you i will read the blible, the thing is I do not understand what is written

drro by drro 20 Mar 2012

You can pm me and I can help you out! Pray and ask the Lord to open your heart and mind for understanding...HE will...He did it for me. I did not understand until I asked for His help! HUGS!!

by mariahail 19 Mar 2012

Can you sell or rent the place? I understand where you are as early today I was thinking that I was so tired of living, not just living alone, just living, but then I realized that I was sinning by having those thoughts and that we always need to submit ourselves to the Lord's Will, HE knows why things happen, try to stay busy, read, walk, do some sewing for the family or the needey, you need to sit down and count your many blessings.
and you are not alone God is with you..Love and hugs.

1 comment
mary51 by mary51 20 Mar 2012

Hello maria, si puedo pero the housing marketing is not good to sell now so i will have to wait. Thank you

by lbrow 19 Mar 2012

Mary, Is there anywhere you can volunteer? A school, hospital, etc. You need others to talk with and to. could you maybe come home to states to visit for a while? I'm thinking of you and feel your pain and distress. God does hear you/Lillian

mary51 by mary51 20 Mar 2012

Thank you Lillian, yes i can , the town priest wants me to help in an orphanage, but my heart is so full of sadness, and angryness, I do not think I would do good to anyone.

jrob by jrob 20 Mar 2012

Mary, maybe they would be good for you.

eyeztodiefor10 by eyeztodiefor10 22 Mar 2012

The children may help change your mind and heart, Maybe it would be good to try

by bevgrift 18 Mar 2012

Sincere Prayers For You.
God does Listen.
Warm Hugs from Bev

by bnilla9241 18 Mar 2012

Mary, thanks for posting as you did. For me, God ALWAYS hears our prayers and concerns.
Do you have someone you can talk to, a friend, or even a minister or Priest who can help with your issues?
I understand the loneliness and cannot suggest what you should / could do other than above.
We, your Cuties family are here to listen.
As for me, God does hear us, we have to be patient as He will answer in His time.

a Cutie hug to you, and lots of prayers!

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mary51 by mary51 20 Mar 2012

Sometimes when i feel very bad i go to the town priest, he is a wonderful person

by elizabethak 18 Mar 2012

Mary, I think of you often and pray you will find a way out. Maybe it would be better to cut your losses and return to Florida. Sometime we aorry so about material thingsas I am now) but we should focus on the well-being of our mind. God Bless & hugs

by eyeztodiefor10 18 Mar 2012

I know about depression. Been strugling with it for years. sometimes you have to force youself to do the simplist things but you need to move on or you'll be in this dark place until you make hanges. Church might help, moving near family might help, volunteering somewhere might help but you have to get out of the house for other than groceries and Dr. visits. Keep praying as we are all praying for you. You're the only one who can change things. Talk to your Dr about depression,it can be debilitating, I know. Keep the Faith,keep on praying and decide what you want to do.May God enfold you in his loving arms and help you decide what to do.One day at a time or one hour at a time, you will get through this. God bless you,

by zoefzoef 17 Mar 2012

Mary, God does listen to you and everybody. I feel that why he might showed you to this site. A place where everybody doe care for eachother. Yes it is true, maybe we can not see/visit you in person. But I think there's always someone on-line here who will listen to you and is willing to help you in any way we can. Talk to us. we are here for eachother when times goes bad, and if times are nice we share this too. We are one big family. Take care.

by babie 17 Mar 2012

Asking for a prayer is not selfish at all and I can assure you He listens. A big cyber hug for you I will pray that he will provide you with the support you need so that you do not feel so alone.

by kitty2011 17 Mar 2012

I've just come in to wish you all the best and leave you some flowers & hugs x

by kalinelson 16 Mar 2012

My heart goes out to you, I can't imagine being so isolated and alone....I know God hears our prayers and answers them in His timing....I sure wish you could move to a better location....I will be praying for God to help you and that He will wrap you in His presence and love....there are times when I put on praise and worship music and it lifts my spirit.....know that many are praying for you and God will make a way....Gods blessing and love

by ddydeb 16 Mar 2012

Mary please do not despair . God does listen to each and every thought you have. He just works in is own way and time. We do not uderstnad it at times but he really is there and listening to you. Please check out a church in your area I know they will welcome you with open arms. There are also many groups on line for people who have lost those who are so dear. I knwo it would not be someone right there with you but it may help to be abvle to chat with with someone who is or has gone through what you hare going through. Just be careful though some prey on folks who are going through times like you are.
Go out from your house and seek a support group as well if possible. You may have to drive a little bit if your in a secluded area but it will nbe worth it I am sure.
I will pray for you and God Loves you Mary.

by bokkieborduur 16 Mar 2012

Mary, Yes there is a God and he know excatly what you need. Try to go out and make new friend. What about the churches. There is always people that will help you to get away from your loneliness. I am keeping you in my Prayers. Hugs Marie

by susiesembroidery 16 Mar 2012

Dear Mary, I don't know where you are staying at present, but I would think, if it is affordable to move back to Florida, USA, then, maybe you should consider that route. You might then find a lot more action in your life with friends and family closer by your side. Lovies, and prayers are going up for you.****

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mary51 by mary51 18 Mar 2012

That is problem number 1, I can live a decent life here in Dominican Republic, my SS check is enough for me here, but in USA it will not even cover a rent!!! I am 61 years old, and with the job market the way it is, who is going to hire and old lady, they will probably would say i am over qualify, and we cannot pay you what you deserve. For 27 years I was an elementary school teacher. Thank you very much

by nanabs 16 Mar 2012

Mary: I feel what you are going thru. My DH passed 2 years ago this June and my whole world was turned upside down. I cried for days looking at the piles of paper work and no idea how to handle it. finally found a lovely Atty. who came to my rescue. She gave me hugs and encouragement. After 2 weeks I decided I had to return to work with at my best friends shop. I was told to take as long off as needed with pay but I had to go on with my life and get away from the sadness at home. I don't attend church but I know God has not forgotten me. He doesn't answer all my prayers but only gives me what I need which is my friends and family close by. I go for coffee each morning at a local McDonalds here and sit a few hours and read a book. I often get upset when I see a senior couple having coffee together because my DH and I were supposed to grow old together but God had other plans for me. I still don't know what that plan is and I'm still so lonely but I have to go forward. I have one bright star that seems to come every night that I talk to as if it were my DH and that gives me some peace. Now there is a smaller star close to the big one and I imagine that as my dear grand daughter that passed in her 6th month of the pregnancy and I talk to her thru that star. My heart aches for you as I do feel the pain you are going thru but please believe it will get better. the pain never goes away but each day it a little better. If you have family here in the US maybe you can come here and be close to them. You are not selfish in asking for prayer. Please feel the big hug I'm sending to you and let us know how you are doing. Cuties here are wonderful and caring and always willing to listen. Sending prayers for an answer to your prayers.

mary51 by mary51 18 Mar 2012

Thank you!

mary51 by mary51 18 Mar 2012

Thank you all for everything, I feel better today, maybe is becuase I a spending the weekend with some freinds in the capital. The internet works wonderful here. Thank you again

by anangel 16 Mar 2012

Mary, my heart goes out to you. Your quiet, peaceful paradise has to get very lonely without regularly seeing and chatting with others within your community. Is there an activity center nearby that you can join/attend to meet others with similar interests as you? Peace and quiet is great, when we need our private space, but human contact occasionally with others is essential to being happy. Such isolation would have to add to you depression. As someone else mentioned, if you cannot find interaction with others, you may well need to relocate near family or friends in Florida. Best wishes to you, dear, that life gets better. Hugs to you!

by greysewist Moderator 16 Mar 2012

I hope you can get out of your current situation. Seems like you might need a fresh start somewhere else and where there are friendly neighbours nearby.

by terriweistra 16 Mar 2012

Oh Mary, you are not selfish at all!! You are asking and will get support from all your Cutie friends. Since your place of retirement is no longer a haven, why not consider moving back to the US. Pls feel free to PM me if you need somebody to chat to. Stay strong

by manami 16 Mar 2012

Dear Mary, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe you consider going back to US, stay close to your family. I understand how sad is being far away from the family. A big hug for you. Love,Yoriko

by airyfairy 16 Mar 2012

Mary, I am so sorry to hear that things are no better for you. I have not read the other posts yet but I really think that you should move - not necessarily to you family but where there will be more people for you to meet. My thought are with you to make a decision about what you are going to do. Hugs Sarah.

by capoodle 16 Mar 2012

Talk to your family and see how they can help you. My thoughts were the same as oaro's and move back to the states. You don't need to be alone in a country you don't really have any family members in to keep a watch over you.

by elizabethak 15 Mar 2012

I followed yours tory over the months since your hubby died and I really feel for you. It must be devastating thinking you went off to paradise only to have it turn into hell. Just remember that God is there though at time I too feel that he has abandoned me what with all the things happening. You did say you has such bad internet problems too. Bu tkeep in touch, pour out you heart here, I ams sure we are all praying for you, Hugs Elizabeth

by leenova54 15 Mar 2012

Loneliness is awful, I would hate to be alone, do not feel guilty by asking God to help you for anything. you can only ask, He chooses what to answer. I am sorry you are feeling bad right now.
Hugs, Debra

by cfidl 15 Mar 2012

I remember that lonliness before I found my DH. I can only empathize and hope you can find some relatonship (because hobbies just can't do it) that can fill part of the empty space/time. Distraction of course is the easiest remedy. speak out often!

by parkermom 15 Mar 2012

I don't know where you are, but please know that there are others who care about you. Many years ago, I had to be treated for clinical depression. I still can't talk about that time without tears. The grief and guilt were crippling. But, I got well, and I'm nobody special. You can get through this too. Seek God, and try to do one simple thing for yourself each day--like Make yourself smile once in the mirror. Sit at the table to eat a meal, with proper dishes and silverware. Stand in the sunshine for a few minutes with your eyes closed.

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parkermom by parkermom 15 Mar 2012

It is hard, probably the hardest thing you'll ever do. But you will come out on the other side--I promise. PM me anytime--I care about you.

by ramona 15 Mar 2012

You are never alone. God is always with you and the wonderful memories of your husband. Talk to them often. Get involved in your local church. Try and visit and meet people when you attend. There is someone there that you can confide in and they in you. You have to be pro-active. Just like you, others really don't know what to do or say or even how to help. I will pray that you find someone that can be a true friend. It has to be so hard with what you are going through. I can't imagine. It doesn't go away, you just learn to cope. Sending you BIG hugs!!!

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ramona by ramona 15 Mar 2012

Oh and don't feel selfish. We all need help and prayers at some point.

by noah 15 Mar 2012

Well what about going to church and meeting with God and church members thats where real help lays .Praying for you carolyn

by asterixsew Moderator 15 Mar 2012

Mary thinking of you

by oaro 15 Mar 2012

Mary come back home here in Florida you have your family here time will go faster and you will feel better life is to short to Maria

by nannynorfolk 15 Mar 2012

I'm here and listening to you Mary- put the kettle on and i'll join you for a cup of tea and a nice chat :)
hugs Marie