by oldtimer992005 17 Mar 2012

hi cuties, first, THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL for my 2000 flowers.all i could say is WOW for me. so did you all get the butterfly font #4. i never did get cause there was no download button. i had no trouble getting the quilt block today. or the two other alphas.does anyone know what is happening with the shamrock alpha on the other website.i have decided to only download whole alphas from now on. too many unfinished alphas. they only take up alot of space.thank you again and i hope you all find a lucky shamrock and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow tomorrow. st patricks day.


by cfidl 17 Mar 2012

Hppy St. Patty's Day! I must have missed the font you were asking about. sorry Live Laugh Download Stitch!

by zedna 17 Mar 2012

Happy St.Patricks Day to you too!

by kryztyna 17 Mar 2012

Another flower for you. I have collected sooooo many alphas dunno when I will ever use them all. But I only collect individual letters if I really really like them, else I love whole alphas. And happy St Patrick's to you too, Hugs Christine Johannesburg

by kathyjt 17 Mar 2012

Here's another *