can't help in your quest but your towels sound fun ;-)! Jo UK
bet letvia could digitize one she did such a fantastic job on Ralene's daughter's logo. *4U
Definitively I can try but I need the image in JPG or BMP or GIF. If somebody could find something I can give a try. Thanks for your suggestion dear Lbrow. Flower and XoXo
I haven't seen anything that would be the opposite of the 'plumb' lady - will post if I do. *4U
I have found a naked man from the back on also a naked man from the front with a towel on his hips, but not a man in a bathtube. Go and look if you find something to use.
I checked it out and they did have several men but not quite what I was looking for, thanks for the heads up.
i checked it out also, Those men look way to good and too young for our bath lady. Ha Ha If you find one please let me know. They would make cute guest towels.
For Iris, I liked the Valentine girl on that site, the naked one holding the big heart in front of her.
I haven't see one for him neither but I thought the same thing when I made my guest towel, it will be fun; at SewForum you can find some faces (I made some towels with) but not the whole body. Good luck and if you find something, please, let me know. Flower and XoXo
That would be cute... but I haven't seen anything like that... you could email Cindy and Julia's Needle Designs and ask her to create something like that... she has a lot of bathroom images (look under women).
bratty boys on the potty for my hand towels, thought it would give all a good chuckle when 'washing up'.