by mops 22 Mar 2012

Finger puppet penguin.

Had some small pieces of black felt left, just enough to make what with some imagination looks like a penguin.


by shirley124 24 Mar 2012

He looks fine Hoot! Hoot!

1 comment
shirley124 by shirley124 24 Mar 2012

Sorry about the hoots, have owls on my mind

by killiecrankie 24 Mar 2012

Thank you , between you & Suedewsbury we are going to have a zoo of finger puppets

by shirlener88 23 Mar 2012


by capoodle 22 Mar 2012

That is what crafting is all about - using what you have. Cute and could pass as a ghost maybe.

by tippi 22 Mar 2012

Vry cute

by moonwillow 22 Mar 2012

You are sooo awesome!! Thank you! I know a little girl will be very surprised lol...can't wait to make this one!!

mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Have to test the new one first, although I only altered the shapes and not the parameters, so it should stitch out well.

moonwillow by moonwillow 22 Mar 2012

lol I have faith in you ..she is standing next to me asking me when it will be done..three year old co-pilot..I've been making bunnies,I have an order for fifteen ahhh an my machine /thread etc..have been giving me issues..I will post in a few..hugs..

by oaro 22 Mar 2012

cute puppet

1 comment
mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Thank you.

by quail 22 Mar 2012

The updated version looks more penguinee... One of the biggest helps seems to be the shape of the wings.
I had nuns in school, too. I am very grateful for the education I received from them. Thanks, mops, for all the work you put into these designs for us. I am VERY thankful.

1 comment
mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Unfortunately I ran out of black felt, but I'll see what else I can use and stitch it again.

by lidiad 22 Mar 2012

... but it's very cute! Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Thank you.

by mops Moderator 22 Mar 2012

So I went back to the drawing board and this is the new version. Much better IMO.

mops by mops 22 Mar 2012


ramona by ramona 22 Mar 2012

What a cutie! Thank you!

muflotex by muflotex 22 Mar 2012

cute !

spendlove by spendlove 22 Mar 2012

Looks great (but I did rather like the nun!)

shirley124 by shirley124 24 Mar 2012

Glad I'm not the only one who thought the other one looked like a nun. LOL

by spendlove Moderator 22 Mar 2012

Oops I thought it looked like a nun as well - then I thought "Why not", someone needs to keep an eye on the children!

1 comment
mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Hehehe. I'm glad you confirmed my misgivings, so there's a more convincing version - I hope.

by laffma1 22 Mar 2012

Another cute puppet - He's wonderful!

1 comment
mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Thank you.

by noah 22 Mar 2012

He looks like our Noah in Noah and his Ark story lol hugs

1 comment
mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Thank you.

by catsnhorses 22 Mar 2012


1 comment
mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

Thank you.

by sewdeb 22 Mar 2012

Too cute. I have to admit, I thought it was a nun at first glance.... I'll be expecting to be hit by lightening any moment! LOL

catsnhorses by catsnhorses 22 Mar 2012

ROTFLOL!!! You're right -- she kinda looks like 1 of my grade school teachers. :)

mops by mops 22 Mar 2012

That's exactly what I thought too! I altered the beak to a more pointed thing and that's lots better.