You have to set the dimensions as decimals, so 4.5 and 5.18. The file name can be anything as long as there are letters and nummers only, no spaces, no symbols.
ok. I will try again. I sure would love to share . Just got off work . So am ready to try again .
Digitizers she needs help uploading a design she made-pic in projects to DBC
maybe try selecting the design & see where the frame goes sometimes there is just the smallest liitle dot stuck outside the frame. If this doesn't work I have also gone color by color to check them all, good luck Oh & I just remembered that savinh pes designs are typically smaller than most others try to shrink it to fit just a bit smaller
Pes can be bigger,mine are a 4x4, 5x7, 6x10.
And other brother machines that also use Pes have hoops that are bigger than mine, but not exactly sure of their sizes