I pray it never happens but if it did my family and pets would be my conserne.Hopping insurance would be replaced by the insurance.
Make sure my family is out, my old cat and rabbits. No use to take our your purse. ID cards, drive license etc can easily be replaced. Maybe if there was some time left I would take some photo albums
My handbag and my dogs, husband can save himself and if I have time will grap the external harddrive because i have everything in it. God help this does not ever happen to anyone.
I have thought of that very thing and since it is only me in my home I would grab my embroidery machine.
From all your replies, I must agree Husband, Children, photos,documents and mabe then Embroidery Machine, ( But mine is rather heavy), so just make sure we all stay safe and never have a fire!!!!
If at all possible I would grab my purse because I would need money, credit cards, drivers license and car keys (if my car didn't catch on fire and burn too). Yes I do love my sewing machine but I would just get the hell out of there because I could always get another machine.
My husband, my dog and my EHD. If my machines burnt the insurance would hopefully pay out for new ones.
I wouldn't stop to try to save anything - I'm sure my hubby would be right behind me making sure I got out. My purse is close to the door so I could grab that on the way out and possible an ext. hard drive which is close to the door. Things are replaceable. We were talking to a friend who is a firefighter and there had recently been half a dozen houses in a row that went up in flames. He said if we were in a situation like that - just get out, don't stop to get anything as you probably only have about 10 min. to get safely!
After my hubby and dog I'd run for my portable hard drive with all my desigs. I can replace my machine and all the other goodies...but you know how long it takes to collect these designs....OH MY!
I also have to say my hubby first. Then my sweet Daisy, that's my dog. When I have them in a safe place and have time I would go back for our laptops and any personal papers that may be needed later. Hugs..Carol
My Husband first and foremost then make sure all my 4 legged family were safe ...
My husband first and formost. I can't imagine my life without him. I can replace most of the rest. Even the pictures are memories that I can replace my getting copies from family and friends. Him I can not replace, nor would I want to. If I had more time than I would grab my documents safe, my jewerly, my laptop, and my cellphone in that order. I ccan always call for help from the neighbors if need be.
If I had enough strength yes I would grab my Emb Machine and laptop.
Well, when we shifted some stuff to the car with the floods last year, it was photos, clothes for a couple of days, external backup of all our computers and then my embroidery machine!!!!
Well, my family and dogs come first, but if it is things, My photos and videos, they are not replaceable, then my Embroidery machine, if I have the time, Last year there was a hurricane very close to us, thank God it went away, I had all my photo albums and videos packed just in case.
My parents in law lost everything to a house fire years ago and like the rest of you the only thing that could not be replaced are the memories in the photos. Many of their friends and family members presented them with a new photo album full of pictures they had never seen.
First would be a fire extinguisher, but if the worst is happening then my computer, my children & photos. I'm lucky enough to have the fire chief living next door and the fire truck about 400m away. It's an interesting question. I wouldn't wish this on anyone though. :) xXx
Sewing machine can be replaced, but photos and important documents would be the first thing I would grab.
I love my Embroidery Machine (I have an Ellisimo)! But, I would have to grab my laptop - it has pictures on it that are way more important.