by lesleyann 03 Apr 2012

well my quiet,peaceful life is being tossed around,like a salad!1st,Azreal is still lost,2nd,had ti fire employee,3rd,broke the gas hose on stove,now it seems i have a one sided war against me,in my own garden! we bought and moved into this house (richardsbay)18 mths ago,hubby still works in Vryheid(2and a half hours away)and comes home every 2nd weekend,now there's a garden 2 bedroom cottage on the property,which we rent out(to a very young couple)now when they moved in,they had very little furniture,and I had to much,so I loaned them a dining room suit and a leather sleeper couch, over the past couple of months,hubby has had to speak to them about their behavior, first there was the booze parties and noise,all was quiet for a few months,then they started fighting(the f word was flying) even the neughbours across the street came out to watch!,all was quiet for awhile,now 3 weeks ago,we got complaints from a neighbour,that the young couple were smoking cannabis(this is illegal in south africa)and being the property owners we could be in trouble, so hubby gave them 30days notice to move,2 weeks ago they sent my dining suit back,filthy,scratched cover with coffee rings, I have cleaned it up and sold it,but the worst thing happened last saturday,I got up a 6am,opened the front door and found my sleeper couch outside in the rain,they must have waited for me to go to bed about 10pm,and dumped it out in the rain,can't have put in out in the morning,they sleep till about 11am,there was rain puddles in all the button dimples,the dogs had been all over it with muddy paws,lucky the greatdane hadn't ripped it up,things are really turning nasty! regards lesley


by marjialexa Moderator 04 Apr 2012

I'll rent your cottage, Lesley--I'm 64 and pretty quiet, hee hee hee, and I have furniture. I wonder how much it would cost to move to SA from the USA? hee hee hee Actually, sometimes I really seriously wonder, getting kind of scary here because costs are rising and rising without end. And pensions aren't. Sure do hope your lovely cat will return when these turkey renters are gone, maybe they scared him. Big hugs, Marji

by lbrow 03 Apr 2012

Oh dear, so sorry to hear of your troubles. Some people just have so little respect for others. It's a shame when you have been so nice to them. some young people today seem to think the worle owes them everything and there are others who are wonderful. They sound like the kind who care about nothing. Hope you get rid of them soon and maybe your kitty will come back home./Lillian

by crafter2243 Moderator 03 Apr 2012

I am sad that people repay kindness with meaness. I hope you have better luck with your next tenants.

by capoodle 03 Apr 2012

I am sorry that these people felt your property was insignificant to take care of the things you let them borrow. Beside changing the locks you might want to add in the rent agreement more Tenant Rules and Regulations to cover some of these issues. Here in the US they ask for first month rent, last month rent, and a security deposit usually equal to one months rent before the tenant even moves in. Don't know if that is something you can ask but it helps cover damages should they move with out paying the last month and leaving the place a mess.

by bumblebee 03 Apr 2012

Well, don't let these people turn you off to being kind. I remember my first rental- they even gave me a blanket. I never forgot there kindness.
It's life sometimes you win and sometimes you don't.
Hang in there its bound to get better soon.
Linda aka Bumblebee

by joyce500 03 Apr 2012

We have a rental house in KY. I agree with having the locks changed. A locksmith told me to be sure and change them each time a tenant moves. If an old tenant should come back and used the keys and did damage to new tenants, I as landlord could be held liable. Hope you have better luck with new tenants.

by dilceia 03 Apr 2012

I am sorry for your trouble.

by vickiannette 03 Apr 2012

Sorry to hear.

by shirley124 03 Apr 2012

I feel for you. there are some not so good types around. We rent a propety on a farm and the landlord is very pleased with us. (Thinks himself lucky I guess, as he has had bad tennants in the past) He even brings us vegies from his garden, so I guess we are lucky also. Hope you get good ones mext time round. Shirley

by blueeyedblonde 03 Apr 2012

Sorry this has happened to you. Thank goodness not all renters are like that. We've been renting and are in the same apt. for the past almost 11yrs. We do most of what needs to be done as if it was ours as they just always seem so busy I don't like to bother them - just wish they actually appreciated what we do that we don't have to!

by greysewist Moderator 03 Apr 2012

It's frustrating to see how others can sometimes treat offers of kindness. Be relieved they're gone and I agree with the 'change the locks' sentiment. You'll be way more careful to check references next time you allow someone to move in. I hope Azreal is able to return now that the coast is clear.

by 1961nancy 03 Apr 2012

It's sad that people think they can treat others badly like that. I hope your cat comes home soon and if you rent again the next tenant have better manners.

by kryztyna 03 Apr 2012

Lesley, now they are gone Azreal may choose to come home. Cats are so sensitive and your tenants seems to be the kind that no self respecting cat would be around. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Hugs Christine, Johannesburg

by susiesembroidery 03 Apr 2012

What a pity that some weirdos always have to steal your peace!!!! I know that you are very upset, but be thankful that they have moved out before other items also started disapearing (I am thinking they know very well about Azrael) I hope you had all your locks and codes changed after they moved out so that they cannot have any access to your property!! Sorry that you had to go through this ordeal. Praying that you will find inner peace and peace of mind soon.*****

by asterixsew Moderator 03 Apr 2012

I am very sorry to hear this. I know from reading here that far worse has happended to other Cuties. I also remember vividly when the one lot of tenants next door threatened to punch my husband. Their dogs would howl for 8 hours at a time. The house owner was ******* at dealing with the problem. If they have left (with some damage) at least you can put it behind you and good luck

by snowbird42 03 Apr 2012

i cant understand the mentality of some people renters can be such nightmares hope everything turns around for the better now....soozie

by bokkieborduur 03 Apr 2012

Hi Lesley sorry to hear of all your trouble. Luckely they moved out. Look at the bright side, out of this You've learned a lot. You will be watching out next time. First check the persons credentials before you let them move in. I know you get some strange people in South Africa and I think the whole world. Hugs Marie

by gerryvb 03 Apr 2012

Oh dear, hope better days will come very soon for you!!

by lesleyann 03 Apr 2012

so happy I have all you cuties for comfort,thank you

by ruthc 03 Apr 2012

I am sorry for your trouble i had the same thing happen with a cousin and it ain't pretty. Had to evict them even though the repo people came and got their home and truck i had to evict them from my own property even though they were just temporarily visiting had 3 kids too what a trip...glad its over and my peaceful life is back and to top it off the cousin husband was very weird stared at us all the time...freakishly

by bevintex 03 Apr 2012

Maybe these people know what happened to your cat?

1 comment
lesleyann by lesleyann 03 Apr 2012

I was thinking the same thing,then felt guilty for thinking it!

by michemb 03 Apr 2012

When it rains, it pours, everything seems go wrong at the same time. Hang in there and do not let all this stress cause health problems.
It is sad that others are so incosiderate of the kindness of others.

by cfidl 03 Apr 2012

It is amazing how low some people can go. I am so sorry to hear about your problem. I am sure they do not take responibility for themselves. Hopefully they will grow up. This situation will pass and the destruction will end. Hang in there!